Office of the City Administrator
Initial Hearing, 6:30 P.M. December 9, 2014 Continuation Hearing 5:30 P.M. December 23, 2014 (if continued by Council tonight). Adoption, December 23, 2014
Focus on those funds related to property tax levies. Historical information on tax rates. Revenues and Expense Summaries Public Comment or Questions.
Certified Levy 2014 $5,119,357 Certified Preliminary Levy 2015 $5,380,444 The proposed increase from is $261,087, or increase of 5.1%.
General Fund REVENUE COMPARISONS REVENUE COMPARISONSAUDIT 2013BUDGET 2014 PROPOSED BUDGET 2015DIFFERENCE $ DIFFERENCE % Taxes$3,901, %$3,855, %$4,364, %$508, % -Current Ad Valorem3,293, %3,270, %3,711, %$441, % -Franchise Tax607, %585, %652, %$67, % -Special Levies880.00%0 0 $0.00#DIV/0! -Lodging Tax00.00%0 0 $0.00#DIV/0! Licenses & Permits$351, %$302, %$300, %-$2, % Intergovernmental Revenues$2,819, %$2,984, %$3,064, %$79, % -Federal Grants00.00%0 0 $0.00#DIV/0! -State2,744, %2,908, %2,988, %$79, % -Other Govt. Units75, %75, %75, %$ % Charges For Service$1,251, %$1,309, %$1,832, %523, % Fines & Forfeits$121, %$121, %$110, %(10,150.00)-8.38% Misc. Revenues $388, % $232, % $244, % 12, % Sub-Total REVENUES$8,834, %$8,805, %$9,917, %1,111, % Other Financing Sources$1,716, %$1,604, %$1,220, %(383,604.00)-23.91% TOTAL REVENUES$10,551,494.00$10,410,100.00$11,138,427.00$728, %
2015 Marshall Property Tax Levy
Fund DescriptionProperty Tax Levy Funding ($) General Fund$3,707,821 Library$554,034 Economic Development$119,677 Debt Service$933,198 Debt Service (Abatement)$65,714 Subtotal$5,380,444
General Fund Library Debit Service (1) Economic Development (2) 69¢ 19¢ 10¢ 2¢ 14¢ - General Government – (Senior Center, Transit, Data Processing, Municipal Building, Community Development, Administration, Finance/Clerk, Assessing, Legal, Cable, Mayor/Council, Motor Pool, Duplication, Safety, Human Rights) 21¢ - Public Safety – (Police, Fire, Emergency Management, Animal Control, Chemical Assessment Team, Ambulance Bldg.) 22¢ - Public Works – (Engineering, Street, Airport, Street Lighting, Building Inspection, Public Way Maintenance) 10¢ - Culture & Recreation – (Parks, Recreation, Community Education, Aquatic Center, Band, Ice Arena, Youth Development, Community Services Administration/General) 69¢ 02¢ - Other– (Transfer to Capital Equipment Fund)
General Fund EXPENDITURE COMPARISONS DepartmentsBudget 2014 Proposed Budget 2015 Difference $Difference % Mayor & Council$193, %$174, %($18,974)-9.82% Human Rights Comm.$40.00%2 ($2)-50.00% Cable Comm.$133, %123, %($10,223)-7.64% City Administration$337, %356, %$18, % Finance/Clerk/Treas.$388, %404, %$16, % City Assessing$294, %302, %$7, % Legal$114, %116, %$2, % Community Dev.$138, %159, %$21, % Municipal Building$256, %268, %$11, % Safety Comm.$14, %14, %($207)-1.41% Data Processing$128, %227, %$99, % Duplication$18, %16, %($1,514)-8.39% Motor Pool$4, %3, %($1,221)-25.58% Transit Service$28, %14, %($13,600)-48.57% Adult Community Center$153, %157, %$4, % TOTAL GENERAL GOVT.$2,204, %$2,340, %$136, % Police2,619, %2,658, %$38, % Ambulance - Bldg.00.00%0 $0#DIV/0! Chemical Assessment Team57, %61, %$4, % Emergency Mgmt Serv9, %10, %$ % Fire630, %561, %($68,625)-10.88% Animal Control22, %22, %($362)-1.58% TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY$3,339, %$3,314, %($24,834)-0.74%
General Fund EXPENDITURE COMPARISONS DepartmentsBudget 2014 Proposed Budget 2015 Difference $Difference % Engineering730, %793, %$62, % Bldg Inspection & Zoning324, %396, %$72, % Streets & Alleys1,373, %1,437, %$64, % Airport485, %521, %$35, % Public Way Maintenance123, %94, %($28,715)-23.27% Street Lighting210, %281, %$71, % TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS$3,247, %$3,525, %$277, % Aquatic Center & Skate Park224, %233, %$8, % Park Maintenance581, %550, %($31,371)-5.39% Municipal Band10, %14, %$4, % Library15, %00.00%($15,197) % Ice Arena35, %50, %$14, % Comm Serv Admin332, %341, %$8, % Youth Development38, %38, %$360.09% Community Services Gen17, %16, %($1,196)-6.73% Community Education167, %179, %$12, % Recreation173, %197, %$24, % TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES$1,596, %$1,621, %$24, % Capital Equipment$00.00%$339, %$339,085#DIV/0! Insurance Contingency$25, %$ %($25,000) % TOTAL EXPENDITURES$10,412,939100%$11,140,926100%$727, %
GENERAL FUND Expenditure Breakdown By Type 2014 vs 2015 Budget Proposed 14 to 15 Type of Expenditure Difference A.Personnel Services$6,597,854(63.36%)$6,953,494(62.41%)$355,640(5.39%) B.Supplies and Other Services/Charges (O&M)3,435,803(33.%)3,848,347(34.54%)$412,544(12.01%) C.Capital Outlay0(.%)0 $0#DIV/0! D.Debt Service/Transfers379,282(3.64%)339,085(3.04%)-$40,197-(10.6%) Total all Types$10,412, %$11,140, %$727,987(6.99%)
City of Marshall 2015 Budget & Levy Public Hearing Tuesday, December 9, :30 P.M. Professional Development Room Marshall Middle School, 401 South Saratoga Street 1.Public Hearing on 2015 Budget & Levy A. Staff Presentation B. Public Comment 2.Continuation Hearing of 2015 Property Tax Levy/Budget: (if necessary) December 23, :30 P.M. Marshall Middle School, 401 South Saratoga Street 3.Adoption of 2015 Property Tax Levy/Budget: Regular City Council Meeting December 23, :30 P.M. Marshall Middle School, 401 South Saratoga Street
2014 Revenues 2015 Revenues 831, , Expenses 2015 Expenses 862,316 *905,874 * Based on original budget submitted in September. Library Board December 9 th tentative changes approved.
2014 Revenues 2015 Revenues 119, Expenses 2015 Expenses 129, ,817
2015 Revenues ($) 2015 Expenses ($) Wastewater5,114,6566,421,912 Stormwater952,6651,832,417 Liquor Store3,997,7683,885,321