The Forest Resource in Iowa
Iowa’s Forest Cover Iowa’s forests cover 8% of our landscape 87% of our 2,97,000 acres are owned by private landowners (FIA) 26+ million urban trees
Why the Increase from ? Pasture land reverted to timber due to the decline of the cattle industry. In Western Iowa successional trends from prairie to woodland species (red cedar).
Why the Decrease from ? Forest Service Forest Inventory Analysis data caught up with forest clearing that occurred during the time of high commodity prices
Timber Loss/Gain From Iowa lost 192,000 acres (6%) of existing forest land This loss was offset by a gain of nearly 95,000 acres (3%) of land newly designated as forest land Net Loss 97,000 acres
Timber Loss 77% - Agricultural Conversion (Cropland, Pasture, Range, Other) 15% - Water or Marsh 4% - Right of Ways 4% - Development
Timber Gain 60% - Ag Land (mostly crop ground) 18% - Water/March 15% - Developed Lands 7% - Right of Ways
Forest Ownership in Iowa
Good News Iowa has over one billion trees and at least 60 tree species Average annual growth is three times larger than average annual harvest removals
Bad News After 3 decades of increasing forest acres, forest acres are declining 95% of forest plots contained one or more invasive species Only 11% of forest landowners have a written management plan