Our History 1991 Launched as Merton Education Business Partnership (part of Merton LA) 1993 Became a company limited by guarantee 1998 Registered as a charity 2002 changed name to Kingston Merton Education Business Partnership (KMEBP) 2008 started to work across all south London 2009 became ‘My Voice London’
Improving life chances of children We want today’s children to do well in school and become valued employees of the future and not to feel afraid or unable to cope. Enabling children to have their voices heard. Improving their ability to cope with the challenges in their lives Enabling them to make a successful transition to adult and working life Increasing parents/carers’ ability to provide effective and appropriate support
Our work… 1:1 mentoring Support, advice and advocacy for children and parents/carers Developing skills, awareness and understanding through theatre techniques in workshops, simulations, and links with businesses Working with statutory and voluntary agencies to make sure that together we offer the best service to the child and family
The problem Rooted in public sector Expected 100% cut in funds Lack of experience and expertise in fund raising Public sector contracts and grants as % of total income 89%100%
The solution Consultant fund raiser, Chief Executive and Trustees all engaged: Trusts and foundations, Companies, Community, Public Sector £28k invested Sept ’10 to March ’ applications to Trusts etc Total raised can take us to the end of the current financial year, and beyond
The results…£247k raised in 9 months
What worked for us Honestly appraising the situation Taking our team with us Staying true to our vision and mission Maintaining services and quality Interrogating our narrative Targeting applications Learning from failure Boldness and optimism
What next? Transition. We have received £82,000 in transition funding, to cover: Business planning Fundraising consultancy Impact measurement - consultancy and development Upgrading communications – website etc.
Kick off meeting/s Agree top level goals and address overarching development questions Output: Strategic direction set for business planning and transition projects Business Planning Impact measurement consultancy Fundraising consultancy Comprehensive 3-year business plan Implementation of new communications strategy: materials, web site etc Fundraising programme New impact measurement processes My Voice London: Transition Planning Overview
Where next? First direct marketing shot More community work, e.g. sports team, staff from local companies Further reduce dependence on public sector