eci Super Region Presented by: Jean Anne Grunloh, ECIDC Executive Director October 30, 2013 Effingham, Illinois
Welcome Thank you for attending today’s Roundtable! Thank you to our event sponsors! » Each attendee should have received an informational packet eci Super Region
Thank You to: ECIDC Board / Advisory Staff Assoc. of IL Electric Cooperatives – tech support Leaders with the six community college consortium eci Super Region Committee Volunteers eci Super Region
Presentation Overview » Who is East Central Illinois Development Corporation (ECIDC) and the eci Super Region? » How/why did the eci Super Region form? » Accomplishments / future goals eci Super Region
How did the eci Super Region Coalition form? Spurred by national grant announcement of EDA – “Made in America Grant Challenge” ECIDC, as neutral facilitator, called a meeting of economic, community, business, and education professionals to discuss a potential application from our region – national perspective of east central Illinois. eci Super Region
How did the eci Super Region Coalition form? Key question: does our region have a common manufacturing industry to focus efforts? Answer: common need - Addressing manufacturing workforce skill needs eci Super Region
Resulting Collaboration Driven by Need to: Support our existing businesses by addressing critical and common manufacturing workforce needs Pool resources Become more competitive for national funding opportunities by large-scale collaboration Create effective public-private and business-education partnerships in communities throughout east central Illinois. eci Super Region
eci Super Region - Voluntary Coalition Includes: eci Super Region
Super Region committees include: Executive Committee K-16 Adult Training & Internships All - Focus on 1.Input from manufacturers – survey results 2.Raise community awareness 3.Build effective partnerships throughout region eci Super Region
eci Super Region Accomplishments: Established an “information sharing” network - eNewsletter Received 117 surveys from both manufacturers and Coalition partners DOL-TAACCCT Grant application – eciCATCH program model Media outreach by many Coalition partners to raise awareness for National Mfg. Day Roundtable among many other networking events Development of eci Super Region Key purpose: user-friendly for students/potential employees Resources for students, educators, manufacturers, coalition Online Directory of Training Programs Industry Information/Outlook newsletters to quickly distribute and share information – are you on our mailing list? Tools to build business-education partnerships Future goals include an ePortfolio - establish a platform where employers can search for highly skilled workers. eci Super Region
Jean Anne Grunloh Executive Director East Central Illinois Development Corp Network Center Effingham, IL eci Super Region Information Available at: or eci Super Region