EVAN Gender Board Katrin Schaefer Sarah Elton Katerina Harvati
What is the role of the Gender Board? Oversees ‘gender-related’ issues: Monitor gender equality Ensure gender equality Co-ordinate measures to promote equality between men and women Make links to existing initiatives promoting women in science Reports to Co-ordinator
Equality Equality of opportunity and experience for all Many issues are related to general equality, albeit targeted towards gender European commitment to promoting women in science
Monitor gender equality Network statistics: number and proportion of experienced women in EVAN Appointment statistics: applicants, suitable candidates, shortlisted candidates, appointments Annual statistics: composition, retention, career paths After each appointment: Partner Site asked to return appointments monitoring form Each year: Partner Site asked to return annual monitoring form
Monitoring gender equality
Ensure gender equality RECRUITMENT EU aim: 40% female recruitment NO affirmative action Get the best person for the job by appointing fairly Interview suitably-qualified candidates regardless of gender or domestic situation ‘Gender neutral’ interview panels Fairness in salaries and promotions The Gender Board can help Partner Sites find someone from their institution to advise them
Ensure gender equality OTHER ISSUES Gender Board: a formal EVAN contact point for alleged sexual harassment and discrimination The Gender Board can help Partner Sites and Fellows find someone from their institution to advise them
Co-ordinate measures to promote gender equality Fairness in recruitment and in day-to-day employment Flexible working patterns if desired and possible Training remit of the Network: many anthropology undergraduates female but fewer continue as research students or postdocs Training remit of the Network: opportunities for women to ‘reskill’ after a career break
Co-ordinating measures to promote gender equality Partner sites asked to be flexible where possible Also encouraged to consider EVAN’s training remit and encourage participation of women Mentoring important for ALL Fellows Additional need for specific female-female mentoring (on-site and through ‘buddies’) EVAN mailing list for women’s issues
Make links to existing initiatives Contact made with the Center for Gender Equality, University of Vienna Specialist support at home institution of project Links will also be made to various other Europe- wide and country-specific organizations (e.g. the European Platform of Women Scientists and Women into Science, Engineering and Construction, UK)