v=anwy2MPT5RE By Levi Nichols
Junk Food or Unwanted Internet Junk? How about both? The food “SPAM” is the processed meat product produced by Hormel Foods described as "Shoulder Pork and hAM"/"SPiced hAM" luncheon meat The internet “spam” has today come to mean network abuse, particularly junk and massive junk postings Today, spam affects everyone who uses the internet or has . And I’m not just talking about the food
The name spam for unwanted internet junk was adopted in March of 1993 It was named after the luncheon meat SPAM made by Hormel Foods As watched in the video, It was the catchy tune from SPAM commercials performed by Monty Python’s Flying Circus skit “Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, lovely spam! Wonderful spam!” that started the name for internet junk Thus meaning, something that keeps repeating to great annoyance Surprisingly enough, Hormel Foods didn’t care that the name be used for internet junk as long as the all capital letter form of the word wasn’t used
Gary Thuerk was a marketer for DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) and was the one who sent the spam by The first documented report of spam was sent by on May 3, 1978 This was sent to 400 people who where using ARPANET, which was the “internet” at that time Gary Thuerk is now known as The Father of Spam, The Grandfather of Spam, and The Original Spammer Ironically, Thuerk now does some promotional work for anti-spam companies Blame this guy
Most providers us junk filters that organize the spam into a separate folder that can be managed Avoid replying to the sender -The best way to "opt out" of a spammer's mailing list is to pretend you never received the message. Put your hands over your ears and sing, "La-la-la-la...I can't HEAR you!" (No one likes to be ignored.) Do not forward chain s - My name is Bill Gates, and I need your help... -It's a pretty good bet that if you don't know Bill Gates, he won't be sending you any sort of , because chances are he doesn't need your help. He's never even sent me . (I'm still waiting. I still have hope.) ETC. Courtesy of Crabby Office Lady
Richard Stallman, defender of spam!!! - “I didn't receive the DEC message, but I can't imagine I would have been bothered if I have. I get tons of uninteresting mail, and system announcements about babies born, etc. At least a demo MIGHT have been interesting.” - “Would a dating service for people on the net be "frowned upon" by DCA? I hope not. But even if it is, don't let that stop you from notifying me via net mail if you start one.” Sent by Anonymous: - “I hope Thuerk gets face and butt cancer that lasts many years before he succumbs to it.”
BIG question: Why did he do it? - "I knew I was pushing the envelope," says Gary Thuerk. "I thought of it as e-marketing, we wanted to reach as many as people as possible to let them know about our new product. It was coming out Dec. 20 of that year, and we didn't want to send invitations.“ - in fact, Thuerk's original spam "did work," he says. "We sold $13 million or $14 million worth" of the DEC machines through that campaign, Thuerk notes. On the negative side, "complaints started coming in almost immediately," he adds. “A few days after the original , an ARPAnet representative called me up and chewed me out. He made me promise never to do it again."