Chapter 12 Sexual Development Throughout Life
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
Childhood Masturbation Child has overly early understanding of 2-sidedness of sex acts If masturbation becomes compulsive & interferes with other activities If the child simulates intercourse with another child If any penetration with another child is involved If masturbation is intrusive or painful If the activity increases much above the original level If there is mouth to genital contact between 2 children If you feel your child is particularly sad
Childhood sex play
Sexuality in adolescence
Puberty Pituitary Gland Gonadotropin Menarche
Romantic relationships in adolescence
Gay, lesbian & bisexual students
The beginnings of sexual activity Factors Increasing Teen Pregnancy Poverty Unsafe Communities Single-Parent Households Sexual Abuse Sexually Active Teen Siblings Depression
Social Networks
Sexual activity in college
Adult intimate relationships