Кокурина Ирина Алексеевна учитель английского языка высшей категории МБОУ лицей №87 имени Л.И. Новиковой Нижний Новгород
At the lesson we’ll listen and read the text about Easter in Britain speak about Easter traditions in Russia play an Easter game sing a song make an Easter card do a crossword
Easter is a religious holiday in March or April; a festival of spring and new life.
British traditions
Easter eggs A symbol of new life People paint eggs in bright colours
An Egg Hunt Children hunt for eggs all around the house and in the garden
There is …
Hot-cross buns Small sweet cakes British people eat them on Good Friday
The Easter Bunny The British people believe that the Easter Bunny bring the Easter baskets to children and hide eggs to find on Easter morning.
The Easter Basket The Easter basket is usually full of sweets and chocolate eggs.
Russian Traditions (What people do at Easter): Paint eggs in bright colours Play “Easter Egg Roll” Children go from house to house and collect eggs saying “Christ’s risen” Eat kulich and paskha Give each other Easter cards
An Easter Card
Easter in Russia 1.When is Easter? 2.What flowers are there around in spring? 3.When does Easter start? 4.What do people often eat at Easter? 5.What do they usually do on Easter morning? 6.What do children do?