Social Worker Training
This training is called “Baby Blues” Let’s start off by asking you a question; How many times have you accused a parent of touching a baby inappropriately? How many times have you heard a teacher tell her classroom students that it is OK to say no, to someone who touches them inappropriately?
This training is called “Baby Blues” Did you ever think about what the word inappropriately mean to a six year old child? Now lets do a little experiment, ready? Go to the next slide. Short and sweet.
This training is called “Baby Blues” Your assignment Ms. Social Worker is to change this Baby, who has just messed his diaper WITHOUT TOUCHING HIM INAPPROPRIATELY ! Remember, these are your words, not ours.
This training is called “Baby Blues” Now I ask you again. How many parents lives have you ruined because you have said they have touched their babies or their child inappropriately? If you changed this baby, YOU ARE NOW GUILTY OF THE SAME CRIME. You are a “CHILD ABUSER” You can be put on the Child Abuse Registry, just like us. You don’t even get a trial.
This training is called “Baby Blues” IF you have ever given your child a bath, you are guilty of “child abuse”, according to your own definitions? Should I come and take your children away from YOU? Yes, I should and I could ! That is, if I was of the GESTAPO force called Child Protective Services. Still want to be part of this thing call CPS. Think about it. Especially if you are a CHRISTIAN, do you want to stand before your LORD, and answer to your GOD for needlessly ripping families apart ? FOR the love of MONEY, for GREED?
This training is called “Baby Blues” If you would like to know more, and if any of this has caused you to think about what you do for a living. To think about the training you are taking, please I urge to call me, let’s talk about it. I am an advocate nationwide. I will answer your questions truthfully. Or go our website for answers. Call our National toll free FPA-CHILD Let’s talk about this career you have chosen. Presented to you by Marilyn Harrison Foster Parents Legal Solutions and NFPCAR National Foster Parents Coalition for Allegation Reform Thank you for your time.