Module Six Leadership
What makes a good leader? Leaders are reflective. Leaders are innovative. Leaders make complex decisions. Leaders are ethical. Leaders advocate. In which of these areas do you need to grow as a leader? Slide 2
Invitations to Explore 1.As a whole group, identify two characteristics from the menu to explore. Do the activities associated with those characteristics and come back together as a whole group to discuss. --OR-- 2.In small groups, choose two or more characteristics. Complete the activities associated with each and discuss implications for teacher leadership (What did you learn?). Small groups then report to the whole group. Slide 3
Activity 1 – Leaders are Reflective Study the notion of competence. Consider driving a car. How does a driver move through these four stages when learning to drive? Conscious incompetenceConscious competence Unconscious incompetenceUnconscious competence Slide 4
Activity 1 – Leaders are Reflective Consider competence in teaching. Think of a teaching scenario. Role play how a teacher in each stage might act. Also include ‘voice overs’ of the teacher’s inner monologue. Conscious incompetenceConscious competence Unconscious incompetenceUnconscious competence Slide 5
Activity 2 – Leaders are Innovative The Marshmallow Challenge: 20 sticks of spaghetti 1 yard of tape 1 yard of string 1 marshmallow (must be on top) Build the tallest free-standing structure in 10 minutes. Slide 6
Activity 2 – Leaders are Innovative Questions to Consider: – Which team did the worst? Why? – Which team did the best? Why? – What improves performance? – How were new ideas generated? Slide 7
Activity 3 – Leaders Make Complex Decisions Each small group should designate one person as the “reader.” Only the reader will receive the handout- “Leaders Make Complex Decisions.” The reader will share the scenario and directions at the top of the page. Then, as directed, share one event at a time, allowing the group members to discuss next steps between the reveal of each event. Slide 8
Activity 4 – Leaders Act Ethically As priorities and resources change, leaders must make decisions about what is best – best for teaching, best for learning, best for children. However, there is often no clear answer. What questions do ethical leaders consider when deciding what is ‘best’ ? Brainstorm 2-3 questions and compare with your colleagues’ answers. Slide 9
Activity 4 – Leaders Act Ethically Values Clarification Activity – Read the list of ‘must have’ items teachers often have in classrooms. Decide which one item you would be willing to teach without. Mark it out and place a ‘1’ next to it. Now, imagine that because of unexpected budget cuts, you must cut 2 more items from the list. Mark those out and place a ‘2’ and ‘3’ next to them. Slide 10
Activity 4 – Leaders Act Ethically Continue making decisions about which items you would give up and number them in the order in which you would let them go. At the end, you will have only one item left on your prioritized list. Now go back and evaluate your decisions based on the ethical questions you brainstormed at the beginning of the exercise. Slide 11
Activity 5 – Leaders Advocate Do you know who makes educational decisions that affect you and your students? Research the names and addresses of those who make decisions that affect you and your students. (see ‘My Education Delegation’) Choose one of those individuals and write a letter expressing your thoughts and perspectives about an educational topic that is important to you. Slide 12
All images copyright “Microsoft Clip Art Gallery”. All rights reserved. BT Matters is a grant program made possible by: The Institute for Emerging Issues NC State Employees Credit Union Slide 13