We are going to have so much FUN!!!
About Mrs. Bates: Graduate of Tanner HS Married to Daniel Bates 2 children: Curt (5 th grade) and Bryleigh (Kindergarten) Bachelor’s degree: Athens State Master’s degree: Samford University 11 th year teaching Taught Kindergarten for 8 years
Classroom Rules 1.Walk. 2.Work Quietly. 3.Respect Others. 4.Listen. 5.Be Kind. 6.Do Your Best.
Consequences Green Gumball: Great Day! Yellow Gumball: Warning. Red Gumball: Lose 5 minutes of break. Blue Gumball: Lose 10 minutes of break & take home a “blue” note. Purple Gumball: Trip to the office!
Rewards Daily Praise Sticker Prize Ticket Treasure Chest Playground Time Playtime Free Time Computer Time Popcorn Party Sweet Treat Movie And Lots More!
Weekly Behavior Report
PARENTS: Check It EVERY day!
Sections: Important Notes: notes from principal, clubs, outside groups, etc. Homework: any work to be completed at home will be in this pocket Behavior Report: this weekly report will be marked daily – CHECK IT EVERYDAY!!! Super Duper Work to Keep: any papers that we have completed – these should be removed DAILY! Parent/Teacher Notebook: spiral notebook for parents and teachers to write notes back and forth to one another.
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