DevInfo Eric Hermouet Statistics Division, ESCAP
DevInfo MDG 1 Facts. You decide. More than 1 billion of this planet’s residents live on less than $1 a day Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG1 Photo: F. Espenak, NASA’s GSFC
DevInfo Photo: UNICEF/HQ / SHEHZAD NOORANI Facts. You decide. More than 115 million children are being denied their right to go to school. Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG2
DevInfo Photo: UNICEF/India/GURINDER OSAN Facts. You decide. Women occupy only 16 per cent of national parliamentary seats. Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG3
DevInfo Photo: UNICEF/HQ /ALEJANDRO BALAGUER Facts. You decide. Every day 30,000 children die before their fifth birthday, most from preventable diseases. Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG4
DevInfo Photo: UNICEF/HQ / NICOLE TOUTOUNJI Facts. You decide. More than 500,000 women die each year in pregnancy and childbirth. Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG5
DevInfo Photo: UNICEF/ /SHEHZAD NOORANI Facts. You decide. More than 20 million people have died from AIDS since the epidemic began and there is still no cure. Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG6
DevInfo Photo: UNICEF/HQ /THIERRY GEENEN Facts. You decide. Over 1 billion people lack safe drinking water, 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation and 1 billion live in slums. Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG7
DevInfo Facts. You decide. The UN Millennium Declaration embodies an agreement to develop a global partnership for development. Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005 MDG8
DevInfo The Challenge
DevInfo The Challenge Monitoring Human Development Census Population census once every decade Surveys Periodic household surveys on various topics Records Administrative records from various government departments Reports Flagship reports by international agencies with detailed analysis of specific development issues
DevInfo The Challenge Data Quality Languages Data produced and distributed in many languages Complexity Complex issues in calculating and comparing data over time and between regions Experts Estimates, correction factors and expert opinions by statisticians
DevInfo The Challenge The Audience United Nations United Nations agencies with specific focus areas Development Agencies Bilateral and multilateral development agencies each with their own priorities Member States National statistics organizations, decision- makers, mass media, general public
DevInfo DevInfo A Common Database
DevInfo A Common Database Royalty-Free Database Technology UN Endorsement Endorsed by the United Nations to assist Member States in Monitoring human development MDGs Designed to assist in monitoring the Millennium Development Goals and other national plans of action Common Database State-of-the-art database technology with royalty-free distribution
DevInfo A Common Database International Standards Indicators - SDMX Statistical data and metadata exchange (SDMX) ISO/TS 17369:2005 developed by BIS, ECB, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Sources - DDI/DC Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) ISO and Dublin Core (DC) ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation Digital Maps - UNGIWG Geographic information metadata ISO 19115:2003
DevInfo ChildInfo UNICEF developed a database to monitor the World Summit for Children offered to the UN system DevInfo v ChildInfo upgraded and launched with UNDG endorsement in April 2004 DevInfo v New web-enabled version developed and launched with broad government and UN support in February 2006 A Common Database Milestones
DevInfo DevInfo Partnerships
DevInfo Partnerships Capacity Building Programmes Trained More than 3000 professionals have been trained in the use of DevInfo for improved statistical literacy and database administration
DevInfo Partnerships Adaptations Customized Databases More than 40 national statistics organizations and other agencies have adapted DevInfo database technology to user-specified requirements
DevInfo Partnerships Data Exchange Other Databases Integration with Existing Systems System Integration The DevInfo database system is designed to be integrated with existing systems through data exchange mechanisms