1 World Wide Web Concepts (Chapter 18) 인공지능연구실
2 목 차 Elements of the Web Web Browsers Keeping Tracking of your Favorite Web sites Security and Privacy Issues Blocking Offensive or Inappropriate Web Sites Purchasing Products Online with Wallet Programs
3 Elements of the Web(1) Clients and Servers Web’s Languages and Protocols Urls, Transfer Protocols HTML, Java and JavaScript, VBScript, XML, Image Formats 등 Web Pages and Web Sites Special Kinds of Web Sites and Pages 포탈 (Portals) Web guides 검색 엔진 (Search Engines)
4 Elements of the Web(2) Clients and Servers Hardware Web server Web’s file 을 저장, 제공하는 인터넷에 연결된 컴퓨터 Web client/Web browser 웹 서버로부터 웹 문서 요청
5 Elements of the Web(3) Web’s Languages and Protocols URLs and Transfer Protocols URL(Uniform Resource Locator ) : Internet file address 예 ) Http(Hyptertext Transfer Protocol) : Web 통신 규약 HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) W3C(World Wide Web Consortium) : HTML standard 정의 Java and JavaScript Java : language for small applications(applets) over the Web JavaScript : language for extending HTML
6 Elements of the Web(4) Web’s Languages and Protocols VBScript and ActiveX Controls for MS Internet Explorer Visual Basic Script ActiveX controls : embed executable programs XML (Extensible Markup Language) Image Formats JPEG, GIF (chapter 26, 29) Audio and Video Formats VRML (Virtual Modeling Language) : 2-D, 3-D view
7 Elements of the Web(5) Web Pages and Web Sites Web Page HTML document on a Web server 예 ) Web Site collection of Web pages home page : front door 예 )
8 Elements of the Web(6) Special Kinds of Web Sites and Pages Portals start page 예 ) Yahoo, Lycos, Excite 등 Web Guides top-down approach 분류 : categories and subcategories Yahoo, Excite 등의 portal sites 에서 처음 제공 Search Engines bottom-up approach query
9 Web Browsers Web browser 웹 페이지를 보여주는 프로그램 HTML viewer 예 ) Netscape Navigator, Mircosoft Internet Explorer Default browser Browser Home Page browser’s home button Plug-Ins 웹 브라우저와는 별개의 프로그램으로 웹 브라우저와 함께 수행 예 ) RealAudio, RealVideo
10 Keeping Track of Your Favorite Web Sites Bookmarks HTML file of links, 브라우저에 포함 Internet shortcuts Web page 연결 Icons, 바탕화면에 위치 Favorites folder of Internet shortcuts, 시작메뉴에 위치 History 최근에 access 했던 웹 페이지 리스트
11 Security and Privacy Issues(1) Cookies log file 사용자의 웹 서버 접근 정보를 저장 Firewalls 서로 다른 networks 간의 보안을 위한 Hardware or Software Intranet 에 허용되지 않은 사용자의 접근을 막음 Secure Communications and Transactions Secure Transaction : Secure sockets layer public key cryptography digital certificates (
12 Security and Privacy Issues(2) Executable Applets and Scripts application bug security risk ActiveX controls : install and run without warnings disabling ActiveX controls Viruses Privacy Implications of Browser Caches and History cache : temporary storage area clearing cache and history Adjusting Your Security Settings
13 Security and Privacy Issues(3) Anonymous Web Browsing Through Proxies web browsing anonymously through proxy proxy’s IP address 로 Web page 를 Access proxy site
14 Blocking Offensive Web Sites(1) PICS Platform for Internet Selection labeling system HTML 문서의 내용에 적절한 label 부여 web browser 는 사용자 설정과 비교하여 display 여부 결정 PICS-compliant : PICS 를 기반으로 한 rating system 관련정보
15 Blocking Offensive Web Sites(2) Content-Rating Services : SafeSurf and RSAC PICS-compliant rating system SafeSurf by parents’ group Netscape NetWatch RSAC(Recreational Software Advisory Council) by Software Publishers Association, MS, IBM, Disney 등 Netscape NetWatch, MS Content Advisor
16 Blocking Offensive Web Sites(3) Recommendation for PICS Web Site Blocking PICS : internet 이용 범위 제한, unrated web sites 처리 어려움 그러나 청소년의 유해한 사이트 접근 제한할 수 있음. Non-PICS Web Site Blocking The Internet Filter Assessment Project(TIFAP) created and run by librarians
17 Purchasing Products Online with Wallet Programs(1) Wallet Program 사용자의 신용카드 번호와 주소를 암호화하여 저장 Microsoft Wallet, CyberCash Wallet 등 Security Issues using Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) digital signature encrypted, password-protected format
18 Purchasing Products Online with Wallet Programs(2) Microsoft Wallet Installing Wallet Entering Information into Microsoft Wallet Internet Option 선택 후 information 입력 CyberCash Wallet download and install