As you come into class, write down the 4 functions of the skeletal system. When you are done, put your pencil down.
4 Functions of the Skeletal System
Not just flat, smooth and featureless 2 categories Projections/Processes Depressions/Cavities
Grow out from the bone Area where muscle/ligaments attach Form joints
Tuberosity Large, rounded projection Ex: Tibial Tuberosity Crest Narrow ridge of bone; usually prominent Iliac crest
Trochanter Large, blunt irregular shaped process Femur Spine Sharp, slender, pointed projection Spine of the scapula
Line Narrow ridge of bone Femoral line Epicondyle Raised area on or above condyle Humerus
Tendon v. ligament? Muscle can generate a lot of force, sometime more than the attachment site can handle Too much force is generated, an avulsion fracture occurs Tendon contracts, ripping the tuberosity where it is attached
Common among teenagers Often represents an avulsion fracture With growth, a bony callus forms and the tuberosity enlarges
Treatment Decrease stressful activities Apply ice before and after activities Strengthen quads and hamstrings Severe cases: Use a cast
Some projections form joints Head Bony expansion carried on narrow neck Humeral/Femoral head Facet Smooth, flat articular surface Spinal facet Condyle Rounded articular projection
Using notecards or a piece of paper divided into squares, create note cards of the 10 vocab words from class. Each word goes on 1 card, and the definition goes on the other Total of 20 cards 10 for vocab words 10 for their definitions DO NOT write on both sides of your card Your ticket out of class is showing Mr. Wyand your flash cards
Tuberosity Crest Trochanter Spine Line Epicondyle Avulsion Fracture Head Facet Condyle