(1) Location of the lesion (2) Extent of the lesion (3) What is the lesion doing to the bone? (4) What is the bone doing to the lesion? (5) Hint as to its tissue type / matrix
Location and age of patient most important parameters in classifying a primary bone tumor. Simple to determine from plain radiographs.
EPIPHYSEAL ◦ Chondroblastoma ◦ Clear cell chondrosarcoma ◦ Giant cell tumor ◦ Aneurysmal bone cyst ◦ Geode (subchondral cyst) ◦ Infection ◦ Eosinophilic granuloma DIAPHYSEAL ◦ Adamantinoma ◦ Leukemia, Lymphoma, Reticulum cell sarcoma ◦ Ewing sarcoma ◦ Metastasis ◦ Osteoblastoma/ osteoid osteoma ◦ Nonossifying fibroma METAPHYSEAL ◦ Nonossifying fibroma (close to growth plate) ◦ Chondromyxoid fibroma (abutting growth plate) ◦ Solitary bone cyst, ABC, GCT ◦ Osteochondroma ◦ Brodie abscess ◦ Osteogenic sarcoma, chondrosarcoma
Central: Enchondroma Eccentric: GCT, CMF, osteosarcoma Cortical: osteoid osteoma, NOF Parosteal: osteochondroma, parosteal osteosarcoma
BONE TUMORCOMMONEST SITE SBCProximal humerus > prox. Femur ABC, GCT, OsteosarcomaLowerend femur > upper end tibia EnchondromaMetaphysis of small bones of hand & feet OsteochondromaDistal femur> prox. Tibia > prox. Humerus ChondroblastomaProximal humerus> prox femur Ewing’sFemur > fibula > tibia AdamantinomaMandible > tibia MyelomaVertebra Fibrous dysplasiaRibs > Upper femur > Tibia > lower femur Osteoid osteomaFemur > tibia ChordomaSacrum > clivus (spheno occipital) > anterior vertebral body Ivory osteomaFrontal sinus Chondromyxoid fibromaTibia > femur ChondroblastomaPelvis > femur OsteoblastomaPosterior spine
Patterns of bone destruction: Lytic Sclerotic PERMEATIVE GEOGRAPHIC MOTHEATEN Poorly demarcated lesion imperceptibly merging with uninvolved bone Long zone of transition Areas of destruction with ragged borders. Less well defined / demarcated lesional margin Longer zone of transition Well-defined smooth / irregular margin Short zone of transition
Margin between tumor and native bone is visible on the plain radiograph. Slowly progressive process is “walled-off” by native bone, producing distinct margins. Rapidly progressive process destroys bone, producing indistinct margins.
Margin types 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, and 3 ◦ least aggressive 1A, to most aggressive 3 Aggressive lesions destroy bone. Aggressiveness increases likelihood of malignancy. ◦ BUT, not all aggressive processes are malignant. ◦ AND, not all malignant diseases are aggressive.
Margins: 1A,1B,1C increasing aggressiveness A well circumscribed lesion with a narrow zone of transition
simple cyst (UBC) enchondroma FD chondroblastoma GCT chondrosarcoma (rare) MFH (rare)
GCT enchondroma chondroblastoma myeloma, metastatsis CMF FD chondrosarcoma MFH
chondrosarcoma MFH osteosarcoma GCT metastasis infection EG lymphoma
myeloma, metastases infection EG osteosarcoma chondrosarcoma lymphoma Multiple scattered holes that vary in size & seem to arise separately
Ewing EG infection myeloma, metastasis lymphoma osteosarcoma Poorly demarcated from normal, numerous elongated holes/slots in cortex, run parallel to long axis of bone
Limited responses of bone Destruction:lysis (lucency) Reaction:sclerosis Remodeling:periosteal reaction Rate of growth determines bone response ◦ slow progression, sclerosis prevails ◦ rapid progression, destruction prevails
Periosteal reaction must mineralize to be seen on X ray ( 10 days – 3 weeks) Configuration of periosteal reaction ◦ Nature of inciting process ◦ Intensity ◦ Aggressiveness ◦ Duration
Thick, uninterrupted ◦ long standing process, often non-aggressive stress fracture chronic infection osteoid osteoma Spiculated, lamellated ◦ aggressive process ◦ tumor likely
periosteal reaction tumor advancing tumor margin destroys periosteal new bone before it ossifies Codman Triangle
Sunburst Appearance
“Matrix” is the internal tissue of the tumor Most tumor matrix is soft tissue in nature. ◦ Radiolucent (lytic) on x-ray Cartilage matrix ◦ calcified rings, arcs, dots (stippled) ◦ enchondroma, chondroblastoma, chondrosarcoma Ossific matrix ◦ osteosarcoma
Exostosis: well defined bony projection growing away from physis Cartilage maybe calcified if lesions are large / malignant change
Nidus: a tiny radiolucent area If in diaphysis surrounded by dense bone and thickened cortex Metaphysis less cortical thickening Double density sign on bone scan – increased uptake in nidus and decreased uptake in reactive sclerotic zone (also seen in Brodie’s abcess) Lytic nidus surrounded by sclerotic bone in CT Centre of nidus may be calcified
Well demarcated osteolytic lesion sometimes containing flecks of calcification Less reactive bone than osteoid osteoma Bone scan - intense activity
Cystic radiolucency on the diaphysial side of the growth plate Cortex may be thinned and bone expanded with well defined thin sclerotic margin May have pseudo-loculated appearance secondary to irregular cortical thinning and thin septal ridges Falling fragment sign typical and the lesion is never wider than epiphysial plate Bone scan cold or minimal activity unless fractured
Gross honey comb lesion Often eccentrically placed Does not extend to the joint (unlike GCT) Warm to hot on bone scan
Usually well defined geographic lytic lesion in the epiphysis/metaphysis extending up to the joint surface without marginal sclerosis Junction with normal bone often poorly defined Cortex thinned and sometimes ballooned Bone scan warm to hot
Fibrous cortical defect Margin well defined, sometimes scalloped and often sclerosed
Non-ossifying Fibroma
Ground glass appearance typical Shepherds crook deformity of proximal femur Variable appearance with expansion of cortex
Scalloped erosions on endosteal surface May have flecks of calcification
Rounded or oval rare area Usually eccentrically placed May cross the growth plate Sharp outline and sclerotic rim Scalloped margin and thin cortex
Well defined area of rarefaction eccentrically placed in the epiphysis or across the growth plate No reaction in surrounding bone 50% show central calcification, 50% show linear periosteal reaction Bone scan increased uptake at margins
Multiple loose bodies
Large osteolytic lesion in the midline May contain flecks of calcification Marked bone destruction
Diffuse osteopenia with multiple osteolytic lesions dispersed throughout skeleton.
Characteristic honey comb appearance in diaphysis Cortical thinning with expansion
Vertical striations without bone expansion and coarse trabecular appearance (corduroy appearance)
Mottled lytic defect usually no sclerotic rim May destroy cortex Usually endosteal or periosteal reaction Lesions in flat bones and ribs appear punched out May appear loculated due to sparing of large trabeculae Spinal lesions- collapse (vertebra plana), which may heal
Mottled or moth eaten lesion diffusely involving bone Lytic destruction common, often the cortex is perforated Onion skin appearance- layers of periosteal new bone are said to be characteristic May form Codman’s triangle
Variable with combination of bone destruction and bone formation Sun ray spicules/ sun burst appearance and Codman’s triangle may be evident Cortical breach common Adjacent soft tissue mass Joint space rarely involved ◦ 25% Lytic ◦ 35% Sclerotic ◦ 40% Mixed Telangiectatic type- purely lytic
Variable appearance with % have calcification and 50% have sub periosteal new bone May be a large cystic lesion with cortical destruction and central calcification, endosteal scalloping and cortical expansion; annular, punctate or comma shaped calcification
Bone often mottled or moth eaten with extension into soft tissue Osteolytic lesion may be surrounded by reactive bone Destructive appearance radiologically Usually little periosteal reaction
Osteolytic commonest - cortical destruction with little or no periosteal reaction; Lungs, Kidney, Adrenal, Thyroid, Uterus Osteoblastic deposits – Prostate, Bladder, Testis, Breast and Bowel secondaries. Also carcinoid lung tumors, lymphoma Mixed- Breast, Lung, Ovary, Cervix Lymphoma deposits may resemble prostatic deposits, i.e. sclerotic secondaries Lytic, expansile, with soft tissue mass- RCC, thyroid X-Ray- at least 50% loss of bone to produce lysis on X-ray, Loss of single pedicle produces a “winking owl sign”. CT scan, MRI
Osteolytic bone metastases: breast carcinoma shows multiple osteolytic bone lesions.
Osteoblastic bone metastases
Mixed pattern bone metastases:
Early - vague mottled lucent areas Diffuse destructive lytic lesion with little periosteal reaction Usually combination of patchy sclerosis and mottled destruction Hogkins disease - typical appearance of ivory vertebrae
May be generalised decrease in bone density Multiple punched out defects Little bony reaction around lesions Solitary lesion = plasmacytoma; multilocular expanding lytic lesion in a red marrow area Frequently cold on bone scan