Welcome to Georgia Library Learning Online
Internet Protocol Version 6 launched in June 2012 In 1993, there were 43 billion internet addresses available (IPV4) With mobile devices, that is not enough IPV6 has 340 trillion trillion trillion addresses or 3.4 x How big IS the Internet?
GALILEO vs. Google “Isn’t everything available on Google?” TopicGALILEO ContentGoogle Results The Things they Carried by Tim O’Brien (Literature and Composition standards ELAALRL4) Literary Reference Center Several full-text literary criticism titles and author biographies, including Bloom’s Guides Over 20 criticism articles in literary journals Citation generator -Amazon, Cliff’s Notes, and other companies selling criticism books -Wikipedia article -Student essays and class notes from teachers for specific schools -Reading group guides -NPR transcript of interview with Tim O’Brien -Blog posts -Photo essay of illegally smuggled animals -Excerpt of essay for sale at lotsofessays.com - Other unpublished essays without clear author qualifications
GALILEO vs. Google “Isn’t everything available on Google?” TopicGALILEO ContentGoogle Results Wave nature of sound and electromagnetic radiation (Science standard S8P4) Britannica -Encyclopedia articles on “light,” “radio,” “sound,” etc. -Short videos showing light polarization, anatomy of the ear, radiation, photoelectric effect, and more -Interactive lesson on Eye and Vision, Color, Refraction, and more National Science Digital Library (nsdl.org) -Simulations of various waves Editorially-selected links to articles and learning objects -Links to WAV audio files -Wikipedia article (not written for K-12 audience) -Websites by students -ThinkQuest site with basic information on waves -Academic websites for scholarly research (not a K-12 audience) -Amazon and other commercial sites selling books, DVDs, etc. National Science Digital Library results do not appear within first 10 pages of Google results
What began as a vision in 1995 by the University System of Georgia, has grown into an extensive list of online resources for Georgia citizens through colleges and universities, public libraries, and public schools. In addition to encyclopedias, directories, and government publications, over 100 databases are available, indexing thousands of periodicals and journals. Addition and deletion of K-12 databases is directly tied to usage. Georgia’s Virtual Library
Home Page
You may browse the databases from the homepage, or choose a specific database by typing in the name of the database.
Or, you can choose to browse by subject or type
Subject search
Browse by (Material) Type
You can even read magazines and journals online
Database Search
Magazine/Journal Locater
Database Listing
To locate a specific journal or article: -first choose magazines and then the letter with which it begin -OR, type in the name of it from the magazine page -then choose the database where it is available
Choose a database by clicking on it, then a year and month, and then you can pull up all the articles in that edition.
Citation- In EBSCO databases, proper source citation can also be created and copied directly into your document.
In addition to professional journals, popular magazines are available, such as: Sports Illustrated People Teen People National Geographic Smithsonian
Annals of American History by Encyclopedia Britannica Search by Timeline Search by Author Search by Topic Search by keyword
Encyclopedia Britannica – includes videos, images
Britannica Student – variety of ways to search
Literary Reference Center – variety of ways to search as well as help centers (Dictionary, Citation Help)
New Georgia Encyclopedia - #14 on the Middle School list and #20 on the High School List Includes everything Georgia, from pre-history to the present Topic or Keyword Search Excellent companion resource for 8 th grade Georgia Studies
NoveList…THE Place for information about books (fiction and nonfiction)
And more still… Lexiles, Reviews, Keywords, Find similar books, awards, curricular connections, and more…
EBSCOHost: Search and refine by Full Text, Scholarly, Date, Publication type…and more…
History Reference Center Enter search terms Select location
National Science Digital Library – authoritative science resources
Things to Remember When Searching in any Database or Directory: … Spelling Counts … “Garbage in, garbage out” – the more proficient you become using search terms, the better your results will be … Learn to refine your searches … Observe all selection options Full Text, Journal titles, Peer Reviewed, Dates, etc. …Practice makes perfect
Galileo: Georgia Library Learning Online Current password: none required on campus, off campus the password changes quarterly. See your media specialist for the current password.
You can even learn to repair your car in GALILEO
Medical Resources Consumer Health Complete has fact sheets, pamphlets, videos, encyclopedias and many other resources.
Some Resources in Español and other Languages Consumer Health Complete Enciclopedia Moderna Fuente Académica Premier MedicLatina Revistas para los Estudiantes de las Escuelas Secundarias (MAS Ultra)
Other Important Stuff about GALILEO: You can open an account and create all kinds of storage for projects and even publication alerts for subject searches. You have to know how to use it in college—start now! Many databases are available in other languages. Many databases include dictionaries
Most Important about GALILEO: (as far as most of you are concerned) It creates the citation for you!!
Now, you try it! All source material from… Cheryl Youse, Media Specialist, Colquitt County High School, Colquitt County Schools, 2015.