Political Parties In Elections vs. Governing 1. Realignment  Voter driven  Demographics change  Regionally  generationally  Party driven  Issues.


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Presentation transcript:

Political Parties In Elections vs. Governing 1

Realignment  Voter driven  Demographics change  Regionally  generationally  Party driven  Issues change  Perceptions in changes in the electorate  What has caused the shifts in popular sentiment over time? What has caused the shifts in popular sentiment over time? 2

Are parties more useful in elections than governing? Consider these candidates’ statements… Campaigners or governators? 3

Parties in Elections  Selecting Candidates  Raising money  Informing voters  Primaries & caucuses  Funding advertising, campaigns  Creating a majority 4

Influences on political parties in elections  FEC (Federal Election Commission)  State & Local election laws  Interest groups  Swing states/new districts  PACs  ALL OF THESE AFFECT THE $$ MADE AND USED BY PARTIES. 5

Political Ads  Not only those aligned with a particular party  Funded by parties, PACs, and interest groups (all factions within the electorate)  Romney 2012 Romney 2012  Issue Ad 2013 Issue Ad 2013  Issue ads  Types?  Tactics?  Candidate ads  Types?  Tactics? 6

Parties and Governing  National Party Platform  Thinktanks  Well-known partisans  How does partisanship hinder effective government?  How does the party agenda create stability and confidence in government by the electorate? 7