© Townsquare Media (Confidential)| 2 Deliver your message to our most active listeners Super high impact messaging Dominate the entire player with your brand Details 100% EXCLUSIVE Player Skin 300x250 default web banner clickable to your business (except during commercials.) Prominent & clickable “Presented By” Logo on player As the Listen Live Exclusive sponsor your brand will dominate our online radio streaming player through multiple touch points. Player Domination
© Townsquare Media (Confidential)| 3 These listeners are loyal to the stations, enabling you to deliver your message to them over and over again. (great frequency) These listeners are unlikely to switch stations, which means they will be fully engaged with your message. Users are listening from their computers, putting them in a much better position to respond to your call to action. Streaming Spots 50 :30 sec streaming commercials per month 300x250 companion banner -appears while streaming spot plays -available to be synced on KVKI, KRUF, KTUX, KXKS -Use your own creative or allow us to build banners Streaming Commercials Our online commercial inventory is completely separate from our radio inventory. To compliment your player ownership, follow up with our audience with online radio streaming commercials. Every time your streaming commercial airs, a synchronized companion banner will also display for the duration of your message, and is linked directly to your website or Facebook page.
© Townsquare Media (Confidential)| 4 Accepted By:Date:__________ Townsquare Media does not discriminate in advertising sales based on race or ethnicity. Any provision in any order or agreement for advertising that purports to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity, even if handwritten, typed or otherwise made a part of a particular contract, will be rejected. Investment: 1 Exclusive sponsor per station $ 500 net, per month, per station 6 months minimum Circle your choice of station: SOLD