INTRO Objective 02/4/2013 Identify the layers of the atmosphere. What causes your ears to pop as you drive up a mountain? What does altitude have to do with air-pressure?
Layers of the Atmosphere Atmosphere The mixture of gases that surrounds our planet, allowing plants and animals to live here.
Does Air Have Mass? What makes up our Atmosphere? A mixture of gases Nitrogen – 78% Oxygen – 21% And other stuff: Carbon dioxide Salt Dust Ice Water vapor
Does Air Have Mass? Air pressure The measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface. Pressure Demo
Does Air Have Mass? What is Air Pressure? At sea-level, air weighs about 30 pounds per square inch! However, scientists measure air pressure in millibars (mb)
Layers of the Atmosphere What separates the layers? Areas of different temperature
Layers of the Atmosphere
Troposphere 0 – 12km Lowest layer All weather and clouds occur here
Layers of the Atmosphere Stratosphere 12 – 50km Contains the Ozone Layer, which absorbs harmful UV rays from the sun Planes fly here
Layers of the Atmosphere Mesosphere 50 – 80km Coldest layer Meteors burn up here, producing “meteor tails”
Layers of the Atmosphere Thermosphere 80 – 550km No definite outer limit Hottest layer, but thinnest
Layers of the Atmosphere Thermosphere continued Divided into two layers Ionosphere Reflects radio waves back to earth Aurora Borealis occurs here Exosphere Satellites and the International Space Station orbit in this layer!
Layers of the Atmosphere Summary: What are the four layers of the atmosphere? Which layer of the atmosphere makes it possible to listen to the radio? Which layer do you live in?
Objective 02/4/2013 Outro Identify the layers of the atmosphere. Why does the temperature of different layers of the atmosphere vary?