Slide 1 – Slide 2 – Both: The Feigl family
Slide 3 - Slide 4 - Ashley: My name is Devorah Feigl. I am 12 years old. I lived with my mother, Sarah, my father, David, and my older brother Ozzi. Emily: Before we were sent to the death camp and ghetto, we lived in Warsaw.
Slide 5 Slide 6 Ashley: My father was a well known tailor in Warsaw. Emily: Our mom just stayed home to watch Ozzi and I.
Slide 7 Slide 8 Ashley: Around 1939, my family was forced to live in the Warsaw Ghetto. Living conditions were terrible. There was not enough space or food. Emily: Nazis were on patrol to make sure no one broke the rules or tried to escape. Ashley: Our father was killed by Nazis for trying to smuggle just a little food for us. Emily: We would listen to the Oneg Shabbat Underground radio to catch up on what was happening around the ghetto. (Podcast)
Slide 9 Slide 10 Emily: About a little over a year later, my mother, brother and I were sent out to the Treblinka concentration camp. Ashley: Living conditions were even worse than in the ghetto. Everyone was crammed in a small living spaces. Emily: People were taken to what they told us were showers, but no one ever came back. Ashley: Not too long after we got their, our mother was taken to those showers. We never saw her again. Emily: About three months later, Ozzi was taken too.
Slide 11 Slide 12 Ashley: I had a feeling that soon, I would be going to the showers, but in 1943, there was a revolt against the Treblinka “Death” camp. Emily: About 500 Jews escaped and survived. I was one of those. Ashley: I realized after I escaped that I had been lucky to live. A few years after I escaped, I met someone who had told me about the fight in Stalingrad. He found the diary of a soldier and started reading. Emily: He said that during the fight, Russia had surrounded Germany and it turned into man to man combat. He said that the most of the German soldiers were killed under the hands of Russia. Ashley: After hearing this, I realized that even our enemies suffered by the hands of their enemies. I hope that they got a taste of the pain and suffering that they inflicted on us.