Aristotle Outline Diction,Song,Spectacle,Catharsis By: Robert Hammond
Diction Act of expressing thoughts through words – E.X.- bang on table= mad Unusual/fine grammar used – Creates metaphors, lengthens play Expresses pureness through metaphors – Characters are more extra normal/pure
Language used in Diction Expressive language but still understandable Must be used in reasonable situations – Can not have excess of pure/language Creates a combination of regular/trueness
Song “Musical element of the chorus” Introduction to plays and episodes Aristotle argues- song incorporated in play
Chorus = Song Three functions of Chorus for song – Pray – Voice of the “normal” people – Summarize the plot Used as guideline for audience
Necessity of Song from Integration Integration- “law of necessity” in play gives song purpose- def. – Have a share in the action
Spectacle least connected with literature and poetry depends more on stage machinery tragedy= felt beyond representation of actors produces emotional attraction Aristotle disapprove of this -unnecessary – audience should decide feelings for themselves
Why so unnecessary? It imitates the emotions Speech/actions bring true feelings other than… Its monstrous instead of terrible
Uses of Diction/Song/Spectacle Used to create more dramatic catharsis -Combination of all three
Catharsis Definition/Use- “Purging/Clensing”=learning – Removing unnecessary feelings of pity/fear – Creates a balanced proportion – Used as skilful handling
“Medical Medaphor” Duty of play brings out pity/fear Later reduces pity and fear Leaves pleasure in the audience Dramatic irony Audience learns a valuable lesson – Using mimesis (imitation of play)
Laws of probability /necessity Law of probability= cause/effect The “flow of plays” – All having beginning, middle, end – Ending creates happiness Law of necessity= purpose – E.X.- Catharsis
Ways to incite emotion in plays Acting with knowing person Acting in ignorance but reacting late Knowing person, determined but act late Worst- shocking no tragic/disaster follows Determined ignorant act, retract after knowledge – Best way to create catharsis