It is meaningful to the student, either now, or clearly apparent to their future. It digs deep for meaning and students grapple with molding it in to a concept. They hypothesise, predict, test, generate new ideas, problem solve, critique, clarify, evaluate etc. Information is for a purpose and makes links to ideas, experiences, new possibilities. Students acquire new skills as part of the learning process - this requires input from teachers (DATs). Students become more enabled as learners - more independent and collaborative etc. Students are reflective about the work they produce and set goals for raising the bar on the next occasion. They set SMART goals and monitor their progress. Students become more competent as learners when the learning is powerful. See also
In your groups, look at the photo and decide what the learning is that is occurring. Write down the skills required to carry out the task. Rate these (on a scale of 1 low - 5 high) in terms of powerful learning. Decide what more, if anything, is needed to make this a worthwhile learning experience and to actually raise student achievement. How useful has ICT been in enriching this activity?
Digi camera picture used for planning and vocab development WP used for writing and publishing
Umajin used to green screen student into picture for writing Umajin for green screening student into pictures created in MS Paint or Kid Pix for writing.
Digital camera and transactional writing and sequencing - used for reading around room also.
Enriching Learning
Your GoalAreas for Improvement Improvement will look like.. ICT product / software/ web 2.0 ICT ProcessGathering Evidence Yr 0 Yr 2 Yr 4 Yr 6 Yr 8
Take the specific goals and unpack what each of these will look like at each level of the school when at it’s best it’s worst a point in between a point either side of that You have now developed a rubric that can be used to rate individual student achievement, class data, school data and cluster data Organisation and flow Random thoughts with no organisation, sequence or flow. Developing flow but some ideas added after their correct point of sequence. Thoughts in correct sequence but no paragraphing of ideas. Well sequenced and attempting paragraphing. Well sequences over several paragraphs. Initial sentences set content for paragraph. Vocab Very basic.Beginning to use adjectives and verbs becoming more interesting. Effective use of adjectives, adverbs, simile and metaphor
The setting of the rubric is great for assessment but also for planning as it helps to clarify what you are aiming to do. The next stage is to gather your baseline data before the teaching starts. In the case of the written language goals, classes would collect a sample of student writing and analyse each under the rubric headings which would encompass each aspect of the goal e.g. quality of ideas, vocab, sentence structure, organisation and flow, appropriate genre and style etc. If necessary schools could moderate across classes to maintain consistency of judgment.
Following the period of focused teaching, another sampling and assigning of rubric values occurs. Moderation for consistency of judgment is more important here to ensure people are not exaggerating the gains. Data from the two samplings can then be compared and graphed to show if there has been any change in achievement levels - for individual students, or across a class, school or cluster. This informs teaching practice but can also be used for reporting to BoTs, ERO and for MoE milesotne reporting.
The samples used to generate the rubric can be placed in your cluster or school wiki and a link to these included in the milestone. Some clusters set up a wiki specifically for this purpose viewable by the MoE with a password, The data and graphs can be included in the milestone report for each school and amalgamated to present a cluster wide picture regardless of topic.
The same process could be applied for gathering schoolwide data on teacher change. Confidence Competence Targeting of curriculum goals Regularity of use Admin and planning You may want to use a 10 point number line and note the areas for consideration.
Plot and explain where you are at currently
1.Read your action plan regularly so that you are on track for the milestone report. 2.Import the milestone template into a Google doc and paste in your cluster goals for June milestone. 3.Share the doc with all schools in the cluster and your nat fac. 4.Each school writes a concise progress report, links to examples and pastes in evidence data. 5.Facilitator/PD writes a brief summary statement on progress. 6. your nat fac to let know when completed. 7.Once approved you can export the document to pdf and send to MoE milestone address. 8.Schools can export a copy for filing.