Open APIs for Open Minds Thierry Nagellen September, 17 th 2013 FI-PPP: FI-Ware, FI-Lab and Phase 3 Wallonia - SMEs meeting
FI-PPP: where we are… 1 OPEN INNOVATION SME Projects CONCORD: program coordination INFINITY: infrastructures Envirofi Environnemental Data Outsmart Utilities & Urban Monitoring Finseny Smart Grids Instant Mobility Multimodal services in urban areas Safecity Safer Cities Finest Interurban Logistics FI-Content Enriched Content SmartAgriFood Fromethe farm to the fork FI-Ware: Core Platform FIspace SmartAgri+Logistics FITMAN manufacturing Finesce Smart Grid Fi-Content 2 FI-Star eHealth 04/ /201304/201404/2015 XiFi infrastructure Technology Foundations September 2013 Open Calls!
FI-Ware: focus is twofold 2 An innovation ecosystem A Core Platform Open Standard Generic Implementation driven Simple yet powerful APIs
Take the most of infrastructures while keeping costs lower and under control 3
Gathering, publishing, processing and analyzing private and open data at large scale 4
Easing connection to the physical world 5
Enabling co-creation through advanced Data/Services Composition and Mashup 6
Ensuring Privacy, Security and Trust 7
Access from everywhere, taking the most of the network and capabilities of devices 8
… and all … truly Open 9
FI-Lab: Free Cloud for testing Generic Enablers 10 FI-Lab: launched September, 3rd 2013 at the Campus Party in London “operational” cloud for developers and SMEs Environment to test and use generic enablers A place to create your own application Large success: lots of attendees and 20 teams for the hackaton
FI-Ware – FI-Lab 11 Limited set of resources per user 3 floating IP addresses 10 GB storage 15 GB RAM 3 instances 6 cores
FI-Ware – relevant links 12 WebsiteObjective Official website of existing Generic Enablers instances (real softwares) => easiest way to find specific components have much more details (Open specs, Open APIs, architectures pictures) To join FI-Lab and test Generic Enablers PPP website, to be aware of important events especially Open Calls phase 2 and Phase 3
on Twitter ! Thanks ! 13