MRS. GOADY, COUNSELOR Guidance and Counseling Program Highlands Elementary 2013/2014
Contact Information (972) ext Watch for guidance information in the monthly newsletter and on the website in the counselor’s corner at
Classroom Guidance Lessons K-4 Counselor’s intro-self awareness and being positive Anti-harrassment Bullying (incorporated into all guidance lessons) Anti-victimization (WHO program) Higher education Character education Career Problem Solving Conflict Resolution
Activities Throughout the year Red Ribbon/Character Counts Week College Week Career Day College Day Parent Trainings/Presentations
Additional Services Small group guidance groups (as needed when students with similar needs seek guidance) At times Individual guidance is helpful to students. It helps them to learn to cope with things that might impact their educational performance. After the 2 nd meeting, parent permission is required to continue either of the services.
What else can I do? Meet with parents to review test scores, academic concerns, and behavioral concerns Develop plans for growth in all needed areas Help to explain testing processes Sit in on parent/teacher conferences Connect families with community resources (school supplies, uniforms, food, etc.)
How can YOU help? We need your help to ensure your child’s success as a team! Stay in contact with your child’s teacher about their progress and what they are learning in the classroom. Volunteer your time in the classroom (you must fill out a volunteer application on the district website Check your child’s homework daily and read with them or let them read to you! We are committed to doing our best for them, and we would like you to commit to them as well. TOGETHER we can build success!