XYZ Middle School School Counseling and Guidance Program Classroom Guidance (Results sample)
National Standard Academic Standard A Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.
Student Competency A:A1 Improve Academic Self- Concept A:A3 Achieve School Success
Guidance Curriculum Grades 6,7,8 October/November Language Arts class –retention criteria –how to avoid retention –How to calculate a GPA –study skills that lead to success –Importance of homework completion –positive attitude and success
What do they KNOW? Pre Post Less than 15% of students Demonstrated knowledge of retention criteria 100% of students reported and/or Demonstrated knowledge of retention criteria
What SKILL did they learn? What do they BELIEVE? Pre Post 22% could calculate a GPA 32% believed using study strategies would help them do better in school 92% could calculate a GPA 85% believed using study strategies would help them do better in school
Pre-Post Test Results
Homework Completion Rates
Results From Trimester 1 – Trimester 2 Before guidance lessons 2002 GPA’ s increased from 2.2 to 2.25 After Guidance Lessons 2003 GPA’s increased from 2.1 to 2.4
GPA growth from
Next Steps Lessons appear to be contributing to students success We have queried the data and are currently working with students who are in danger of failing We will report to you the impact of that intervention.
The school counseling program is contributing in a meaningful way to the academic achievement of all students. Thank you for your support of the school counseling program.
The End