First and Second Chronicles
Same information as Samuel and Kings Different perspective/view More Divine, less human, more judgmental Priestly point of view, Ezra may have authored Details of Temple building Judges the kings on their neglect of Temple worship Nine chapters of genealogies Emphasis on the good kings – David, Solomon especially, ignores Israel/North, focus on Judah
Chronicles is idealistic, positive, hopeful The remnant of Jews returned from Babylon is its audience Ezra, the priest, encourages the people to look back on the ‘Golden age’ with hope for the future, be proud of their heritage The pride must be rooted in Spiritual matters The nations political health depends on the spiritual health, holiness of its leaders
The Covenant is a divinely guaranteed light, even in dark times God fulfills God’s part when human beings fulfill their part The mission of the Kingdom of Judah is to bring God to humans and humans to God The climax of Chronicles is the rebuilding of the Temple. The book begins with Solomon building the Temple and ends with Cyrus allowing the Jews to return and rebuild