AM Assembly Andrew’s Title Reference PM Assembly God’s Providence Matt. 6: 25-34
Latin “to forsee” (ISBE) Greek “forethought” (ISBE) Acts 24:2; Romans 13:14
Nature Colossians 1:17 Hebrews 1:3 Acts 14:17 Matthew 5:45 Matthew 10:29
Animal World Job 12:10 Psalm 104:21, Acts 17:25
Nations Acts 17:26 Psalm 66:7 Daniel 4:35 Daniel 2:21 Daniel 4:25
Individuals 1Samuel 2:6-7 Isaiah 45:5 Proverbs 16:9 Psalm 75:6-7 Psalm 31:15
Kings Proverbs 21:1 Ezra 7:27
Noah Joseph Jonah Book of Daniel Galatians 4:4
God’s Actions/Inaction Psalm 73; Psalm 4:6; Job 9:17; Ecclesiastes 7:15-17 “Where is God?” We Misunderstand! God seeks our spiritual good!
Perspective Of Mordecai Esther 4:14 God’s Will May Be Different Than Mine Rom. 1:10; Acts 18:21; James 4:15 “In everything give thanks” Philippians 4:6
Results in: Hope Boldness Joy Patience Victory
Conclusion He is still active in the lives of believers! 1 Peter 1:2-5 Have You Received His Salvation?