Bieber Fever
What is Bieber Fever ? Bieber Fever is when a human being falls in love with Justin Bieber. It was Created In 2007 When Justin Bieber Posted Videos on YouTube of Him Singing, And Usher Then Got Him Discovered. He is Now Known All Over the World and He has Thousands of Screaming Fans. These Fans are diagnosed with Bieber Fever. Only Girls can be diagnosed, but there is a rare case of some boys having Bieber Fever too. It sometimes can be contagious so WATCH OUT !!!
Here are Some Girls who Have Bieber Fever and Are Proud of It
The Symptoms Singing and Listening to Justin Bieber’s Songs Kissing Posters Of Him Visiting Justin Bieber Concerts Entering Justin Bieber Competitions
The Cure ??? There is One Cure, To Stop Loving Justin Bieber. Or to Find Someone Else Better Than Him. But Girls Who Are Diagnosed With Bieber Fever, Will Not Be Cured From Bieber Fever for a Very Long Time.
Thank you for Watching My Presentation on Bieber Fever. I Have Been Diagnosed with Bieber Fever for a Very Long Time Now, and Like The Girls You Have Seen Earlier In this Show, I am Also Proud of It.