Heather LaPerle College of Business Academic Advisor
Heather LaPerle, Peer Advisor Coordinator and Academic Advisor for College of Business Janet Abbott, Director of Student Success Programs including Compact Scholars Program Jaclyn Hugg, Student Success Advisor Christiana Bashian, Graduate Assistant
Do you know what grades you are getting? ◦ Have you gone to Professor’s Office Hours? ◦ Have you visited the Academic Advising Center? ◦ Have you talked to your Major Advisor? ◦ Have you used on campus Tutoring? Recommendation: Complete the CSP Academic Progress Report and Visit the Compact Scholars Program website: CSP Academic Progress Report
Mandatory hours professors hold each week ◦ Professors are required to be available to students Appointments can be made as well Office Hours are listed on the Course Syllabus Recommendation: Visit each professor 3 times each semester ◦ 1) Within first two weeks of semester ◦ 2) Around Midterms/Middle of the Semester ◦ 3) Before Finals
Use the Virtual Student Success Center ◦ On Campus Tutoring ◦ Mathematics Department: ◦ Economics Department: ◦ EOP: ◦ Student Disability Services: Recommendation: Know tutoring options before they are needed
Visit at least ONCE per SEMESTER For all students, Academic Advisors can: ◦ Explain General Education and Graduation Requirements ◦ Review and print Degree Evaluation ◦ Go over the Major Academic Plan (MAP) ◦ Explain Academic Probation and Disqualification Open Monday-Thursday 9am to 4pm for Walk-in Advising Only Located in SSW 1551 Recommendation: Bookmark the Academic Advising Center website:
Students on Academic Probation ◦ Have a SDSU and/or Overall GPA below 2.0 ◦ Have 3 semesters to raise SDSU and/or Overall GPA to a 2.0 or higher Fall and Spring semesters only ◦ Must earn a 2.0 or higher term GPA each semester on academic probation Example: Fall GPA ◦ Are in danger of being Academically Disqualified from SDSU
Students that are Academically Disqualified ◦ Did NOT raise his/her SDSU and/or Overall GPA to a 2.0 or higher after 3 semesters on academic probation ◦ Did NOT earn a 2.0 or higher term GPA each semester on academic probation Example: Fall GPA ◦ Are no longer SDSU students ◦ Must wait 1 full academic year before taking courses through Open University to raise SDSU GPA ◦ Must wait at least 2 years before becoming an SDSU student again
Compact Scholars Program Compact Scholars Program ◦ Janet Abbott, Director of Student Success Programs ◦ Jaclyn Hugg, Student Success Advisor ◦ Christiana Bashian, Graduate Assistant Academic Success Agreement Academic Success Agreement Bounce Back Program Bounce Back Program Academic Advising Center ◦ Academic Probation Tutorial Academic Probation Tutorial ◦ Academic Probation FAQs Academic Probation FAQs Recommendation: Use the Academic Probation Resources listed above throughout the semester
Visit at least ONCE per SEMESTER Find your major advisor: If you are Undeclared, make sure you: ◦ Meet with Rosie Villafana-Hatcher, Undeclared Advisor ◦ Visit ◦ Read the General Catalog: ◦ Visit Career Services: Recommendation: Learn about your major through hands-on experiences (internships, volunteering, student organizations, ect.)
Career Services is an Invaluable Student Resource ◦ Assessments for Major and Career ◦ Career Fairs ◦ Workshops (Resume, Interview, Graduate School) ◦ Speed Networking Events ◦ Mentor Programs ◦ Vault- Career Resource ◦ On and Off Campus Job and Internship Postings ◦ Perfect Interview ◦ On Campus Job Recruitment and Interviews Recommendation: Register for Aztec Career Connection today:
First Step: Visit Advising Resources ◦ Compact Scholars Program DUS Lounge ADM 201 ◦ Academic Advising Center SSW 1551 ◦ Major Advisor: Second Step: Do it Yourself ◦ View your Degree Evaluation and Unofficial Transcript online throughout semester: ◦ Look at your MyMAP online: Third Step: Create Your Wishlist ◦ Class Schedule is online now: Recommendation: Find balance with your course load and subjects
Log on to Webportal ◦ Create Wishlist ◦ Check Registration Day and Time ◦ Check if your Fees have been Paid ◦ Verify your Address Recommendation: Register for 16 units maximum
Go to Class Buy and Read Textbooks Read Syllabus Get a Planner Schedule Study Time Go to Professor’s Office Hours Use Campus Resources Get Involved Recommendation: Make sure to schedule study time in a planner
Research shows students that are involved are more likely to be academically successful, graduate, and have balance Student Life and Leadership has over 200 clubs/organizations: Compact Scholars Program has a student organization, Scholars for Success: Recommendation: Find a way to get involved outside of class
Please feel free contact me for an appointment or or visit me in the Business Advising Center EBA 448