What is lap-top? A lap top is the small mobile computer, usually weighing from 1 to 3 kilograms, depending on size, materials and other factors. A laptop computer or simply laptop (also notebook computer or note book) is a small mobile usually weighing from one to three kilograms, depending on size, materials and factor.
Continue….. While the terms “laptop” and “notebook “are often used interchangeably, laptop is the older term, introduce in the 1983 with the “ Note book computer” is a later coinage, series in 1989, which were, in contrast to previous laptops, the approximate size of the paper sheet. Either term is often used
CONTENTS: 1.Categories 2.History 3.Parts 4.Upgradablity 5.Performance 6.Securyty 7.Manufactures
CATAGORIES:- Term some time used for subtypes of laptop computers include. Ulteraportables: LAP-TOP with screen typically less then 12 inches diagonally and a weight of a less then 1.7 Kg. …..Thin and laights:laptop usually 1.8 to 2.8 kg. and screen size is 12 and 14 inches diagonally.
MEDIUM – SIZED IAPTOPS MEDIUM – SIZED IAPTOPS Those usually have screens of in case diagonally and the weight of around 3-3.5Kg. Desktop replacement computers: this computer have limited battry life due to their Hardware,rarely three hourse.
HISTROY:- Before laptop/notebook computer were technically feasible similar incase had been proposed. Most notably Alan keys dynabook concept developed at Xerox PARC in the CARLY 1970 years. The first commercially available portable computer was the Osborne in 1981 which used the CP/M operating system
continue…. although it was large and heavy compared to days laptops, with a tiny CRT monitor it had a near-revolutionary impact on business as professionals were a able to take their computer and data with them for the first time this and other “Luggable” were inspired by what was probably the first portable computer the Xerox note taker again developed at Xerox PARC in 1976 However only ten prototypes were built.
Continue…. A more enduring success was form Compaq portable the first product from Compaq introduced in 1983 by which time the IBM personal computer had become the standard platform although sear eely more portable then the Osborne machines and also requiring AC power to run it run MS-DOS and was the first true IBM clone (IBM’s own later portable computer, which a arrived in 1984
Continue….. In year 1983 also show the launch of What was probably the bigest-sclling carly lap-top. The KyoccraKyotronic85,Which owed much to the design of the previous HX-20 The mashine run on standard AA battry the Tandy’s bulilt in programs including a BAISIC interupter by bill Gates him self
Continue…. Another notable computer was the cambridge Z88,designed by Clive Siclair introduce in Size of an A4 sheet of paper as well as,it run on Stendard battries and contained basic speard sheet word processing and computer programms.
PARTS: Most morden laptops 12 inches matrix displalays with resolusions of of 1024*768pixcels and above,and have a PC- card expansion buy for expansion cards Internal hard and physically b have smaller 2.5 inch and have lower Videio and sound chips are usually
Countinue….. ●Some parts for morden laptop have no corresponding part in a desktop computer ☺Current models use lithium ion and more recently litium polymer battries which have largely replaced the older nickel metal hydride technology.
Continue… ☺Doking station may be used for expanding conectors and quaqly connecting many components to the laptop although they are falling out of favar as laptop on bords USB and firewire ports have become defacto standards. ☺Viryually all laptop can be poe\wered from an external AC convertor this device typically adds half a kg to the over all “trasporet weight” of equipment
Upgradablity Laptop upgradiblity is severarly limited both for technical and economic resonce. Some components such as a RAM modules and hardware devises can typically be upgraded or replaced The CPU is also replaceble butg its choice is restricted to the specific models supported by the laptop mother board.
Performance: Laptop performance has traditionally been infererior to desktops of the sdame price Devices used in Desktop computer tend to produce more and more heat,which a laptop would not be sble to dissipate due to its smaller size and overall physical charcterristic.
Security: Laptop are generally prizedf targets of the feet.According to the FBI,about 97% of stolen computers are naver recoverderd.laptops containing ssensitive data at airport,hotelroom,automobiles,train., and other public places.
Manufacturerts Acer-travelmate and Aspire. Alinware-area 51m. Apple computer-Macbook and Macbook pro. ASUS. Averatec. Bccoc. Cleavo. Zyrex. Winbook. LG-XNOTE. Lenovo-IBM thinkpad.
External links How laptop works at Howstuffworks TuxMobile:linux on laptop and notebook Laptopical laptop news and opinions MIT Media lab & $100 laptop.
Refererances websites:- The Pros and Cons of Laptops dConsOfLaptops.asp IBM User Systems Ergonomics Report ExtremeTech: Mobile Graphics Shootout Intel Centrino Mobile Technology Brief ance_brief.pdf?iid=ipp_centrino+