MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Wallsend NE28 9NZ Tel learner passport Learner Passport was developed to replace E2EPassport - a widely-used web application that went live in The current application retains original concepts but moves forward with new features, design, structures and code base. Learner Passport went live on 1st August 2011 but the development cycle continues.
MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Wallsend NE28 9NZ Tel focus learner is at the heart of Passport: identifying needs, planning and reviewing progress access the web means that Passport and data is always available to learners, advisers and administrators ownership because the learner is involved in creating and can access their Passport, it belongs to them interaction simple forms facilitate interaction between the learner and professionals working with them transition a learner’s Passport moves with them allowing a range of professionals to contribute tracking adviser and manager access keeps all informed and supports quality provision central concepts
MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Wallsend NE28 9NZ Tel what can be changed outside?
MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Wallsend NE28 9NZ Tel what can be changed inside?
MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Wallsend NE28 9NZ Tel tasks / resources content groups use the template, application and spreadsheet to change content of forms if time present for discussion and agreement agree action points and deadlines select forms / activities decide which tools to KEEP, CHANGE or DISCARD design group use the templates to sketch out what you want for the home page design provide replacement text where appropriate for all non-logged in pages design and content if time present for discussion and agreement agree action points and deadlines
MITAC Partnership Ltd Cobalt Business Exchange Wallsend NE28 9NZ Tel resources