1 Presentation Using Listening Material Pertemuan 7 Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: >
2 Suggested Procedure for a Presentation Using Listening Mats 1.Lead students to context 2.Set the scene with pre-teach of vocabulary if necessary 3.Check students’ understanding of context 4.Elicit target language 5.Set pre questions on w/b ( listening for gist) 6.Play the tape 7.Check pre set questions 8.Set second task ( focusing on target language ) 9.Drill target language using task worksheet 10.Round up : (a). Content: set an open ended questions (b). Target language: white board consolidation
3 Practice Stage: Listening Material Pertemuan 7.2 Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: >
4 Suggested Procedure for a Listening Passage at the Practice Stage 1.Lead students to context of passage. 2.Set scene using pictures, discussion or predicting from the first line or sound. 3.Pre teach any necessary vocabulary (especially the ones which are vital to completion of listening tasks) 4.Write pre set questions on w/b as first listening task 5.Play cassette (remember counter button, if any) 6.Check pre questions 7.Set second listening task 8.Play cassette 9.Check task 10.Set third listening test (if any) 11.Play cassette 12.Round up by asking questions 13.Prepare a follow up activity.
5 Sample Plan Pertemuan 7.3 Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: >
6 A Sample Plan : A PRESENTATION USING A LISTENING MATERIAL 1.Class Details : Basic 2.Aims: (i). To present, practice and produce some forms of the present tense of MUST for expressing obligation. (ii). To develop the skill of listening for specific information (iii). To check or teach certain vocabulary items : visa, valid, passport, an employer, a vaccination. 3.Main Language Items : Form: Must I ? Yes, you must. You must / mustn’t Where/when/what must you..... ? Meaning : to express obligation
7 4.Context : From the scene of the dialogue in the cassette 5.Time: approximately 60 minutes 6.Material : the written text is attached 7.Aids : a. Picture similar to that of “Streamline Departure”, Oxford University Press, unit 58. b. Cassette of Streamline Dept. unit 58. c. 3 sets of handouts, 2 sets of cards, OHP Transparency, blu-tack. 8.Anticipated Problems : students will say “you must to” or “you mustn’t to…” when answering the question : “Must I …….?”
8 9.Procedure : 9.1. WARM UP : T puts picture of 006 on wb and elicits from the class his possible name/age/job/nationality, prompting if necessary. T writes most suitable suggestions under the picture T asks Ss to listen to cassette dialogue and compare their suggestions with the information given on the cassette. T plays cassette. Report back
9 9.2 PRESENTATION : T elicits from Ss any other information they can remember about cassette content. T teaches or checks vocabulary needed for second task ( passport/to carry/a gun), writes them on wb and does a quick pronunciation/repetition drill. T distributes handout 1 (attached) and allows Ss one or two minutes to read it through. T sets scene for task : Ss must pretend they are 006 and listen to their boss giving them instructions for their next mission. T gives instructions for task : Ss must take notes in their diaries (handout 1) as if they were 006.
10 T plays cassette and Ss complete task. Ss check answers in pairs Report back : Ss tell T how to complete OHP copy of handout 1 Repetition drill of answer using OHP/wb, done in chorus and individually. Concept check : T asks Ss : (1) Is 006 going to Moscow by choice or obligation ? (2) Who is obliging him ? (3)What word shows he is obliged ? (4) Tell me some of the things you must do even if you don’t want to. (5) What is he forbidden to do ? What word shows this ?
PRACTICE: T distributes handout 2 and Ss read it through. T instructs Ss to complete the dialogue in pairs by filling in the blank spaces with the appropriate sentences. Ss listen to the tape to check their answers. Report back : Ss tell T how to complete OHP copy of handout PRODUCTION : Preparation for Role Play.