Issues for ITMs and their HODs: What is the current state of play? Judie Alison PPTA Advisory Officer (Professional Issues)
ITM Guidelines 1 st edition Work began as a result of TRCC regional seminars for ITMs in 2014 PPTA realised gap in advice Began production of guidelines – draft produced for TRCC seminars Assistance from group of HODs and ITMs, and Teachers Council Final version published January 2015
September 2015 revised edition Acknowledged in first edition that Teachers Council changes would require a revision Education Amendment Act 2015 passed in February. EDUCANZ (Education Council of Aotearoa NZ) began work 1 July Significant changes to registration framework
Major changes Separation of registration and certification New rules for issuing of Limited Authorities to Teach New proof of identity requirements Audit of 10% of appraisals
Registration “Registration signals that a teacher has met the initial requirements for entry to the teaching profession. This includes checking that the teacher is satisfactorily trained to teach, of good character and fit to be a teacher, including having a satisfactory Police vet. Registration is only approved once, and does not expire.” registration registration At this stage, people who have been registered but have lapsed don’t show on register, and it is not clear how they apply to be registered but not certificated
Certification New word for holding a practising certificate Three categories: – Provisional – Full – Subject to Confirmation Must be “certificated” to be employed in a school (or “authorised” – see later) Registered Teacher Criteria have become Practising Teacher Criteria (PTCs) PRTs have become PCTs (Provisionally Certificated Teachers)
Limited Authorities to Teach Significant changes, some will benefit ITMs Separation of link between specific position in school and authorisation Duration of LAT not linked to duration of position Can be authorised on the basis that have: – Skills and experience appropriate to advance the learning of students, or – Skills that are in short supply.
Application for LAT #1 Can, and should, apply before being appointed by any school Must provide: – Evidence of qualifications and experience – Self-reflection showing relevance of qualifications/training and employment/experience “to learners in the area in which you intend to teach”. (Area seems to mean either skill area or region.) – Testimonials from previous employers
Application for LAT #2 Must provide endorsement from a professional leader in your area that you are “of good character and fit to be a teacher” and that you have skills needed to advance the learning of students in the area you intend to teach, or that your skills are in short supply. Professional leader has to sign that they have sighted evidence to this effect. Doesn’t seem to have to be a professional leader planning to employ you.
Proof of identity requirements New proof of identity requirements apply to LAT applications and renewal of certification Result of passing of Vulnerable Children’s Act 2015, which came into force on 1 July. Two forms of ID required, one of which must be photographic: – Primary identification e.g. passport, birth certificate – Secondary identification e.g. driver’s licence, Gold Card, utility bill Must be verified by a professional leader
Audit of appraisals Education Council required to “ensure that appraisals made by professional leaders for the issue and renewal of practising certificates achieve a reasonable and consistent standard, by auditing and moderating the appraisals made for at least 10% of the practising certificates issued or renewed in each year”. Subcontracted to ERO, who do it as part of normal visits to schools - look at systems and summary information on teachers renewed in past 12 months Expect about 3 pieces of evidence over 3 years per PTC
Are those all the changes we can expect? Probably not Education Council policies all labelled “interim” Code of Conduct to be written Fees certain to rise Expected to take on responsibility for PLD And …?
Your turn What are the big issues for you/for ITMs in your school? What should happen in terms of: – Policy changes (MOE, EDUCANZ) – Support for ITMs and HODs in their middle leadership role with ITMs – Other