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Several Bad Years Bad economy Layoffs Unemployment Less hiring Not a great time…
When Do We Change? When it hurts
InfoWorld, August 2004, pg. 42
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Agile Practices flickr.com/photos/hendricksphotos/
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World Class Content Andy Hunt (Refactor Your Wetware) Joe Little (Business Value Engineering) Jeff Patton (Story Mapping) Dawn Canaan & Franz Pereira (Remote Pairing w/Dev & Test)
World Class Content Jason Tanner (Innovation Games) Larry Maccerone (Agile Metrics) Laurie Williams (What Does it Mean to Be Agile?) Don Gray (Systems Behind the Software)
World Class Content Raj Mudhar (Trajectory of Change) Bill Krebs (Agile 4-D) Rajiv Narula (Check Your Culture) Mary Lynn Manns (Leading a Fearless Change to Agile)
World Class Content Patrick Wilson-Welsh (Open Spaces)
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RTP The best place to build software in the world? Why not?
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pillartechnology.com T AKE B ACK T HE P ARK IS GENEROUSLY SPONSORED BY : Platinum Gold Bronze