Welcome to… “APPETIZERS” Discovery & Empowerment Dialogue© (Part A)
Are You READY… to Stimulate Your ‘HUNGER’ for Discovery & Empowerment on the Educational Path that is Leading You to Become an Eco-Mentor Apprentice?
As We Move Into an Era of Eco-Transformation… We Are Being Called to Participate in a Process of Healing Ourselves, in Order to Heal the Earth
WHEN WE MOVE INTO AN ERA of Eco-Transformation… Our Mind and Consciousness Expand in Ways that Allow Us to ‘Hear’ what Our Bodies and the Earth Are Communicating to Us about the Needs of Our Living Ecology
How Much Responsibility Are You Assuming in Your Own Life Today… to Support the Process that I Call Eco-Transformation?
It Cannot Be Denied We All Have to Take Care of the PERSONAL CONCERNS In Our Daily Lives, Before We Can Take Care of Our GLOBAL CONCERNS, But….
In Our Homes Today… Untold Numbers of Children and Teens Are Being Placed on Psychotropic Drugs Because They Don’t Know How to Cope with the Stresses of Life
The Word ‘Pain’, It Might Interest You to Know… Comes from the Latin word ‘Peona’
WHEN IS THE LAST TIME You ‘USED PAIN’ to ‘Better’ Your Life and Take Greater Responsibility for Your Own Eco-Transformation?
We All Suffer Pain in Our Lives The Question Is: How Can We RELATE to It, In A Way That Is Healthy and Healing?
When You Think about the Personal Pain You Have Dealt with During Your Time on Earth, Do You Ever Think that Your Pain Is Magnified by the Pain the Earth Suffers?
Native American Cultures Have Told Us For a Long Time… That We Can HEAL the Earth’s Pain (and Our Own Pain) Instantly if we Live in Harmony and Peace with ALL of Creation
When We Make the Commitment to Heal Ourselves and the Earth, We Gain the Opportunity to Avoid Despair and Decide How We Will Make Our Path to Eco-Transformation an Individual One
Does the CULTURE to Which You Belong On Earth, SUPPORT (Y)Our Eco-Transformation?
The Moderns Endorse Cultural Values that First Fully Emerged in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
The Traditionals view the Moderns as radical and destabilizing
The Cultural Creatives stand out from the other two groups… endorsing a complex, fascinating, forward- looking, and entirely new way of viewing individuals, their relationships to one another, and their relationships to the earth
“Can You Guess”… which Cultural Group I Have the Greatest Affinity With, That I CALL YOU on this Educational Path to Be Part of?
Coming Up In Our Next Dialogue… We’ll Explore Bold (New) Models for Living (vs. Old Models) that Support Us in Creating Cultural Change