Contemporary Issues in Retailing and Consumption (CIRC) 2014/2015 Dr. Griff Round (Unit Leader) Dr. Amna Khan (Unit Tutor)
What CIRC isn’t Simply a “how to” guide for being a retail store manager Simply a course on retail marketing Simply a descriptive guide of the current retail landscape
What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Analyse the local, national and international context of retailing and consumption
What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Critically evaluate the impact of local, national and international environments on retailing and consumption
What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Critically evaluate relevant theoretical concepts in retailing and consumption
What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 4 Assess cultural flexibility in the analysis of retailing and consumption
What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 5 Critically evaluate various information sources (from general press to academic texts) related to contemporary issues
What CIRC is-In Summary Different aspects of… And challenges to… Retailing and consumption in the 21 st century in local, national and international environments
How Unit is split Contemporary issues for Retailers Contemporary issues for Local Communities Contemporary issues for Consumers and Society
Key CIRC Topics
Delivery Weekly Lectures Weekly Tutorials Special library session Computer lab session Tutor led sessions Presentations Debates Coursework support
Resources Moodle Details of all lectures Unit handbook Other announcements Unit handbook Info on assessment Key points for each week Key and support reading for each week Library Books Online journals
For non-retailers Fernie J., Fernie, S. and Moore, C. (2003) Principles of Retailing, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. (Chapters 1,5-9,11)
Communication Moodle Weekly tutorials Tutor hours – Griff Round 6.16 – usually Fri 1-3pm – Amna Khan 6.33 – usually Mon 9- 11am
Assessment 100% individual coursework Brief on Moodle Detailed briefing in tutorials next week
Expectations and Tips Regular and prompt attendance Attendance=Grades! Regular reading -at least the key reading for each week Be prepared for discussion