Sci-Fi Tracker: Progress Report Malcolm Ellis, MICE Video Conference Wednesday 6 th October 2004
2 Outline Summary of tracker workshop –Station layout, patch panel, station mould and assembly area –Ribbon fabrication and VLPC cryostat design KEK test beam Simulation/Analysis –TURTLE –RF Background
3 Tracker Workshop 9 th – 11 th September at Imperial College Discussed: –mechanical design and component manufacture –ribbon fabrication and support structure –VLPC cryostat design and AFEII status –KEK test beam –quality assurance –simulation and emittance calculation –work on MICE note
4 New Station Layout and Connectors
5 New Station Support
6 Patch Panel This is the patch panel model. It is not the definitive model as detailed drawings will be required to mate it to the magnet. This model gives space for 26 connectors. As only 25 are needed, the 26 th opening can be used for field monitoring services.
7 Station Mould This sequence shows the station mould being produced in the Liverpool workshop
8 Assembly Area The area has now been painted and the majority of the assembly equipment moved in. The lighting has been improved and we now need to re- connect the stages and the microscope. It is ‘quite roomy’ compared to our old assembly area,, although none of the QA stations are set up yet.
9 Ribbon Fabrication All fibres have been aluminized – ppm 3HF – ppm 3HF New test ribbon was fabricated (training for Roger Hare) in August. Looked very good Four production ribbons have since been produced and delivered to London Procedure: –Mould preparation –Vacuum seal and bed in teflon sheet –Define the boundaries of the plane –Lay the first two layers of fibres –Mix and apply polyurethane –Lay Mylar sheet –Pressure plate and clamping
10 Applying Polyurethane
11 Laying Mylar Sheet
12 Clamping
13 VLPC Cryostat Design Drawings are complete and have been checked. Concept hasn’t changed since June KEK meeting. Detailed design has been finished since then. The drawing package is complete and has been forwarded to KEK. Outstanding questions have been resolved. The cryo-cooler (Sumitomo 415D) has arrived at University of Illinois.
14 Main and Lid Assembly Drawings
15 KEK Test Beam Beam time request on the 2 line at KEK. Planned test of 4 stations (original 3 from prototype plus 4 th being built now) in order to finalize design. Use BESS magnet (1T field) in order to make momentum measurement, look at pattern recognition in real detector compared with simulation, etc... Planning for two short shifts (~1 week each) Work underway to design support structures, build a DAQ system that can be operated outside of Fermilab, sort out particle ID, triggering, etc...
16 BESS Magnet
17 Simulation/Analysis plans Input beam description: –Was using G4BeamLine, however do not have the time/expertise to produce large statistics. –Kevin Tilley has provided 700k events from TURTLE, which can now be used in G4MICE. –Both simulations are of the “June04” beam- line. –First comparison between the two shows reasonable agreement
18 G4BL vs TURTLE P Z (MeV/c) P T (MeV/c) Solid histogram is from G4BeamLine and the dashed is from TURTLE
19 RF Background Have made first run using latest RF background code from Rikard. This code uses a lot of CPU (2~3 events per hour on an IC machine). Hopefully it will be possible to use a sample of RF produced by Rikard to generate the large statistics in a week or so (as discussed at the last VC). Otherwise, I will make a low statistics run with background and do high stats without. Good news – the new background code produces a lot less hits in the tracker...
20 RF Background Simulation New RF background is the solid histogram Old simulation produces the dashed histogram. No longer see extremely high hit count in the Sci Fi due to the RF!
21 Production Plans Yagmur plans to commit an improved description of the cooling channel this week. At that point, I will start the production of simulated data from the TURTLE files that Kevin has provided. If a quick RF BG simulation is available, it will be used, otherwise a parallel production of much lower statistics using Rikard’s existing code will also be launched. This should (hopefully) allow just enough time to then perform the digitisation and reconstruction in time for the meeting at RAL...