QCAR Queensland Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Framework An overview
January 2008 QCAR deliverables 2008 CAT trial
Where does it come from? It is a QSA project being run by a designated project team. They are generating, trialling, evaluating and implementing the objectives and deliverables of the framework. DETA Minister QSA QCAR team Partner, Trial and Project Schools All Sectors (EQ, ISQ, QCEC)
What is it? Curriculum CurriculumAssessmentReporting Objectives Alignment between what is taught, assessed and reported National Statements of Learning Identify essential learning opportunities for all students in all KLAs from years 1-9Objectives Framework for measuring quality of student achievement against shared standards Tools for supporting consistency of teacher judgement Frameworks to support greater assessment comparability between schools across the stateObjectives Shared standards to use for reporting across sectors and between schools State data on standards comparability, teacher consistency and student achievement around designated slices of the Essentials Deliverables Essential Learnings described at junctures 3,5,7 and 9 A-E Standards described for every KLA at junctures 3,5,7 and 9Deliverables Assessment Bank Assessment Items, resources, all KLAs years 1-9 QLD Comparable assessment tasks (QCATs) 4,6 and 9 Common Assessment Tasks (CAT) School Devised assessment model (SDA)Deliverables Reporting Guidelines Reporting of student results on QCATs to families, Data to QSA State aggregate mean, random light sampling, retrospective report to schools Social moderation advice
Learning and Assessment Focus Describes the focus of learning andassessment within the year-level juncture. Knowledge and understanding Describes essential concepts, factsand procedures of the KLA. Ways of working Describes the essentialprocesses that students use todevelop and demonstrate theirknowledge and understanding.
What else is going on? State QLD 1-9 Syllabus redevelopment (Jan 2009) Senior Phase of Learning Project Quality Syllabus research (March 2008) National Core curricula standards Establish a National Curriculum Board to develop a rigorous, consistent and quality curriculum for all Australian students including State, Catholic and Independent sectors supported by Curriculum Corporation - $5m. Standards to be simple, clear and written in plain English for P-12 with ‘obvious and sensible’ local and regional variations. Commence with 4 core subjects: Maths, English, the Sciences, History. To be implemented by 2010 in cooperation with States and Territories including negotiating funding impact with States. ACER to have a support role in development.
So what next? How might schools prepare for QCAR at this time? Review the Essential Learnings and Standards Continue developing a culture of quality assessment Trial a CAT in September
Regions for Common Assessment Trial 08 Greater Brisbane Yr 4 ScienceYr 9 Maths Mackay Whitsunday Yr 6 MathsYr 9 English Moreton Yr 4 EnglishYr 9 Science North Qld Yr 6 ScienceYr 9 Maths South Coast Yr 4 MathsYr 9 English Sunshine Coast Yr 6 EnglishYr 9 Science Wide Bay Burnett Yr 4 ScienceYr 9 Maths Darling Downs South West Yr 6 MathsYr 9 English Far Nth Qld Yr 4 EnglishYr 9 Science Fitzroy Central QLD Yr 6 ScienceYr 9 Maths