FUNCTIONAL GUIDLINES FOR DESIGNING ELECTRONIC STORES MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS search engine, easy to register, shopping carts, home delivery, order on-line, multiple payment methods HYGIENE FACTORS security, product tracking, allowing for product returns, service phone, consistent style MEDIA RICHNESS FACTORS product organization, price comparison, substitute suggestion, POP, value-added informations, auction, visitor number, chat room, etc.
GUIDLINES FOR DESIGNING AN ELECTORNIC STORE PROBLEM RECOGNITION easy to get started, pop-advertisement, auction mechanism SEARCH FOR INFORMATION fast product search, value-added information EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES comparison of prices, security of transactions, VIP system CHOICE shopping cart, substitute products, online salespersons TRANSACTION AND POST-SALES SERVICES easy to sign up, on-line order, order status, product returns
EMPIRICAL SUDY - HYPOTHESES BETTER-DESIGNED ELECTRONIC STORE WILL ATTRACT MORE… … consumers to purchase … consumers to visit again in the future … consumers to purchase again in the future 3 electronic bookstores (Kingston, Books and Sanmin) 30 students, 3 experts
RESULTS A) Desirable functions for electronic stores 1. store design 2. price 3. reputation 4. special needs B) Design quality of stores - experts were involved - result consistent to consumer’s assessment 1. Kingston 2. Books 3. Sanmin C) Effect of design quality on conusmer choice - actual purchase - willingness to visit again - willingness to purchase again D) Factors affecting consumer choice - factors that made a consumer to choose a certain store 1. order on-line 2. search engine 3. easy to register 4. product organization 5. home delivery …
CONCLUDING REMARKS Design quality has significant impacts on consumer chiose of electronic stores. The consumer’s willingness to visit again is higher than the willingness to purchase again. Consumers rank security as the most important function that electronic commerce must provide.