doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 1 TGmb Agenda and Report Sept 2008 Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 2 Abstract Agenda, and meeting slides for Sept 2008 TGmb, Interim Session in Waikoloa, Hawaii. Starts on Slide 5.
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 3 TGmb Sept 2008 Interim Session Meeting slots: –Tuesday PM1 –Wed AM1 Chair Pro Tem : Jon Rosdahl, CSR Vice Chair: Mike Montemurro, RIM
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 4 TGmb Sept 2008 Summary Still willing to accept Chair/Editor/Secretary No Interpretations received. Receive requests for corrections/improvements until Nov 2008 First WG LB targeted March 2009 Target for Revision is Mar 2011
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 5 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 6 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants: –“Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder may have a potential Essential Patent Claim,” even if the participant is not personally aware of the specific patents or patent claims –“Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) –The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2 Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged No duty to perform a patent search Slide #1
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 7 Patent Related Links All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEE-SA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at Slide #2 If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit This slide set is available at
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 8 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: –Either speak up now or –Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or –Cause an LOA to be submitted Slide #3
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 9 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. –Don ’ t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. –Don ’ t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. –Technical considerations remain primary focus –Don ’ t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. –Don ’ t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. –Don ’ t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Slide #4
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 10 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 11 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 12 Goals for Sept 2008 oElect TG Officers oTGmb Chair --- TGmb Secretary oTGmb Editor oProcess new interpretation requests oReview Plan of Record and Timeline status oReview and process work items for maintenance/revision of the Standard oPlanning for Nov 2008 plenary session
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 13 TGmb Plan of Record May 2008 – Issue Call for Comment/Input July 2008 – begin process input and old Interpretation requests Acknowledge previous Task Group referrals Sept 2008 – Start PAR Revision process Nov 2008 – close receipt of new input Nov 2008 – WG/EC approval of PAR Revision Dec 2008 – NesCom/SASB approval PAR Revision Mar/May 2009 first WG Letter ballot –(includes All published Amendments as of Mar/May 2009) July/Sept 2009 Recirc start Sept 2009 – Form Sponsor Pool Nov 2009 – Sponsor Ballot Start –(Include all published amendments as of Nov 2009) Mar 2010 – Sponsor Recirc Nov 2010 – WG/EC Final Approval Mar 2011 – RevCom/SASB Approval
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 14 CALL FOR COMMENT/INPUT TGmb requested Comment/Input on the plus approved RevCom amendments. Input period is from May 2008 until Nov Presentations of proposed resolutions are expected to be posted to IEEE Mentor server, and notification sent to the m listserv reflector. Notice was sent out on the WG Reflector on Tuesday, May 13, 2008, Thursday, July 17, 2008 and on Sept 10, 2008.
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 15 Terry L Cole (AMD) Slide 15 Amendment Ordering Amendment NumberTask GroupREVCOM Date Amendment 1TGkJuly Published Amendment 2TGrJuly Published Amendment 3TGySept/Dec Pending Amendment 4TGwDec 2009 (was Sep 2009) Amendment 5TGnSept 2009 (was June 2009) Amendment 6TGzSept Amendment 7TGpDec Amendment 8 (was 9)TGvMar 2010 (was Dec 2009) Amendment 9 (was 10)TGuMar Amendment 10 (was 8)TGsJuly 2010 (was Dec 2009) TGTDisbanded Revision802.11mbMar 2011 Data as of Sept 2008 from web –See Amendment reordering is discussed by editors at each session and adjusted based on current timeline estimates
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 16 Following Slide from TGmb March Minutes doc: r0
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 17 March Comparison of TGma timeline with proposed TGmb
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 18 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 19 Call for Nominations TGmb Chair TGmb Secretary TGmb Editor
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 20 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 21 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 22 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 23 Modify PAR ? Review Current PAR – –Is there really a need to change?
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 24 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business & Plan for next Session 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 25 Goals for November Plenary 1.Missing Officers Elect TG Officers 2.Process new interpretation requests 3.Review and process work items for maintenance/revision of the Standard 4.Planning for Jan 2009 Interim session
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 26 New Business
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 27 Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES 3.APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 4.Review Current status of Task Group 5.Task Group Officers -- Nomination/Volunteers – 6.Process any new interpretation requests - ??? 7.Review submitted comments –Add to tracking form. 8.Start PAR modification 9.New Business 10.Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 28 TGmb Closing Report Sept 2008 Interim Session Waikoloa, Hawaii
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 29 Output Documents for TGmb m-TGmb Agenda and Report Sept 2008 – (this Document) TGmb comment template xxxx m-minutes Sept 2008
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 30 WG Motions for TGmb
doc.: IEEE /1037r0 Submission Sept 2008 Jon Rosdahl (CSR)Slide 31 End of Report Questions?