WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC Status of Chinese Participation in WSO/UV Maohai Huang National Astronomical Observatories, CAS On behalf of Chinese WSO Working Group
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC Areas of possible participation Long Slit Spectrograph (Large) Ground Stations Science Operations Center Launcher and launch service Tracking, and Mission Operation support Science
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC Long Slit Spectrograph Proposal sent on March 15, 2006 by NIAOT –Still preliminary –three possible layouts –based on layout by Gersberg and Terebizh (2004) and specifications by Terebizh (2005) –performance study showed good results (0.4”) –Investigated providers of gratings International collaboration needed CNSA expressed strong willingness to fund
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC Large Ground Stations A 50meter and a 40meter antenna with backend will be ready for operations in 2007 Built and operated by National Astronomical Obs., CAS Can be used for WSO/UV as a major high-speed station
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC Science Operations Center Based on experiences from –participation of ESA’s Herschel Ground Segment –Implementation of the Science Ground Segment of Chinese lunar orbiter project WSO SOC in China will be capable of supporting observatory-type operations –Proposal handling –Operation planning –Data calibration, archiving, and distribution –Seamless transition between project phases –Help the general astronomical community using WSO
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC Launcher and Launch Service During the China-Russia meeting in Beijing (May 2006) CNSA made official statements: At the moment CNSA cannot afford to launch WSO/UV all by itself; It prefers providing commercial launch service, the cost of which is shared by all participating countries. –can provide the part of launch cost that is proportional to china’s share (excluding launch) in WSO/UV.
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC Tracking, and Mission Operation TT&C and mission operation support from China is largely connected to the provision of launch service –How much could china contribute WSO in this are is uncertain at the moment –Sharing long-term mission operation can still be considered
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC science Key scientific objectives (reionization, extrasolar planets, accretion disks...) Definition and Implementation of science road map of WSO –Principles and policies –Definition of road map Legacy programs –Implementation Get organized Make plans Carry out activities
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC What CNSA wants to have in order to fund Chinese WSO/UV participation Clarify China’s responsibilities and benefits if CNSA is to participate WSO/UV –LSS –Ground Stations –SOC –Etc this information is needed to put WSO in the high level meeting between Chinese and Russian governments in September 2006.
WIC meeting in Moscow Maohai Huang, NOAC THANKS 谢谢 СΠАСИБΟ Danke Grazie Gracias תודה