E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America E2GRIS1 Claudio Baeza Retamal and Rodrigo Delgado Urzúa SAEMC Project (http://saemc.cmm.uchile.cl)


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Presentation transcript:

E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America E2GRIS1 Claudio Baeza Retamal and Rodrigo Delgado Urzúa SAEMC Project ( Center for Mathematical Modeling, University of Chile Itacuruça (Brazil), 2-15 November 2008 C/CATT-BRAMS Final Report

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Agenda What we have at the School’s start Application gridification design – LFC VirtualFS structure – The associated AMGA DB – Job Schema – Results Conclusions Further work 2

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – At the start of E2GRIS1 we had… A weather/enviromental application that is thisrty for:A weather/enviromental application that is thisrty for: – Computing resources – Bandwidth – I/O data Scientists that are eager to perform simulations for South America and have not enough computing powerScientists that are eager to perform simulations for South America and have not enough computing power A lot of work to do…A lot of work to do… 3

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Workflow completion 4

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Application gridification design 5

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – LFC structure

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – AMGA database

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Job Schema 8

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Publishing status information Number of Fortran 90 source code lines added: 90 Total number of source code lines of the application: ~130,000

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Results 10 History files Analysis files Plots

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – At the end of the E2GRIS1 we have… The complete application workflow running on the grid:The complete application workflow running on the grid: – Conversion of global files into “local” ones – 2-stage application preprocessing – 1-stage application integration – 1-stage output conversion – Graphic (meteo plots) generation An application that was modified in < 0.1% of its codeAn application that was modified in < 0.1% of its code A “simulation tracking system” (STS):A “simulation tracking system” (STS): – Showing current simulation status and progress in near real time A potential performance data-mining base.A potential performance data-mining base. – Using data from the STS 11

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Further work A grid web portal, based on an open-source solution in order to allow multi-grid application integration, and an intensive use of the grid infrastructure with an user-friendly interface.A grid web portal, based on an open-source solution in order to allow multi-grid application integration, and an intensive use of the grid infrastructure with an user-friendly interface. A knowledge base about experiments made on the grid, in order to save computing time and reduce bandwidth use.A knowledge base about experiments made on the grid, in order to save computing time and reduce bandwidth use. A performance database for the application and grid services.A performance database for the application and grid services. 12

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Acknowledgements INPE/CPTEC for application support EELA local organizing committee The tutors Grid school students 13

Itacuruça (Brazil), E2GRIS1, – Questions … 14