WG 3 Progress Report at TP14 Group Name: oneM2M TP14 Source: Raymond Forbes, LM Ericsson, Meeting Date: to Agenda Item: TP#14, Item 10, Reports from Working Groups
Issues for DECISION in TP © 2013 oneM2M Partners 2 CR Packs for following Technical Specifations – TS-0004 v0.7.3(Core Protocol) Rapporteurs: Shingo Fujimoto & Nobuyuki Uchida see TP R01_TS0004 CR Pack TP.14 Progress at 85% Available to TP.14 for approval prior to TS-0004 V0.8.0 when the CRs incorporated – TS-0008 v0.5.0 (CoAP Protocol Binding) Rapporteur: SeongYoon Kim see TP R01_TS0008 CR Pack TP.14 Progress at 90% Available to TP.14 for approval prior to TS-0008 V0.6.0 when the CRs incorporated – TS-0009 v0.5.0 (HTTP Protocol Binding) Rapporteur: SeungMyeong Jeong see TP _TS0009 CR Pack TP.14 Progress at 85% Available to TP.14 as PRO _TS0009 V0.6.0 TS-0009 v0.6.0 with the CRs incorporated The updated TS-0004 v0.8.0 & TS-0008 v0.5.0 are to be ready to be checked with CRs incorporated by middle of next week.
Open Action Items for alignment in TP © 2013 oneM2M Partners 3 Item #Document Number(S) Short nameSourceStatus A-PRO PRO PRO ARC ARC AE_CSE_ID_IssueShingo: Fujitsu & Others Solved in WG2 CRs in WG3 A-PRO PRO R01 XML ValidationPhil & Peter Open in WG3 A-PRO PRO R01 PRO R01 PRO Common Attributes a protocol alignment is required Phil & Rajesh Closed A-PRO PRO R01 PRO Use or as Specified in TS Peter & YongJing Closed WG3 / WG5 agreed
Items for INFORMATION © 2013 oneM2M Partners 4
Highlights Baselines available – TS-0004 v0.7.1 (Core Protocol) Rapporteurs: Shingo Fujimoto & Nobuyuki Uchida see PRO V0.7.2 – new draft with WG agreed CRs before PRO13.5 Progress at 85% when CRs are incorporated – TS-0008 v0.5.0 (CoAP Protocol Binding) Rapporteur: SeongYoon Kim see PRO v0.5.0 – baseline Progress at 90% when CRs are incorporated – TS-0009 v0.6.0 (HTTP Protocol Binding) Rapporteur: SeungMyeong Jeong see PRO v0.6.0 – new baseline Progress at 85% the CRs are incorporated – TS-0010 v0.4.0 (MQTT Protocol Binding) Rapporteur: Peter Niblett see PRO v0.4.0 – new proposed baseline – Progress at 70% Frozen at Working Group with the CRs incorporated © 2013 oneM2M Partners 5
Issues for INFORMATION in the TP © 2013 oneM2M Partners 6 TS-0004: ItemDocument NumberShort nameSourceLate ? PRO R02 TP= WI-0009 Update ProposalTS-0004 RapporteursReturn to R02 for TP.14 closing plenary PRO Resource Type Enumeration CleanupLG ElectronicsWG agreed PRO Numbering of Generics ProceduresLG ElectronicsWG Agreed PRO PRO R01authorization procedureLG ElectronicsWG Agreed as R PRO R01CR TS-0004 Msg Param Data TypesQUALCOMMWG Agreed PRO PRO R01CR for TS-0004 responseMessageTypeQUALCOMMWG agreed as R PRO R01CR AE resource typeLG ElectronicsWG agreed as R PRO R02CR_container_contentInstance_resource_typeLG ElectronicsRevised as R02 WG agreed 05Nov PRO R01CR_CSEBase_remoteCSE_resource_typeLG ElectronicsWG agreed as R PRO R02CR_pollingChannel_resource_typeLG ElectronicsWG Agreed as R02 pending Architecture CR PRO PRO R02CR for DataTypesQUALCOMMWG agreed as R PRO PRO R02Correction_Primitives_DefinitionQualcommWG agreed as R02
Issues for INFORMATION in the TP © 2013 oneM2M Partners 7 TS-0004: ItemDocument NumberShort nameSourceLate ? PRO PRO R01PublicReviewComments_TS-0004_ITS-JPOSecretariatTreated – CR actions given -see table PRO PRO R01Short Names clean-upShort Names clean-up not on Clause 8Telecom ItaliaWG agreed PRO R01Changes to short nameHuawei Technologies Co.WG agreed as R PRO PRO R01TS-0004_CR_Short_NamesTS-0004_CR_Short_Names on Clause 8InterDigitalWG agreed as R PRO Cleans up of the enum data typesHuawei Technologies Co.WG agreed PRO Clean up of mgmtObj related sectionsHuawei Technologies Co.WG agreed PRO R03Adding Definition of missing data typesHuawei Technologies Co.WG agreed as R PRO R03Definition of the primitive content parameterHuawei Technologies Co.WG agreed as R PRO PRO R03definition of m2m:encodingFUJITSUWG agreed as R PRO PRO R02Implementation of Filter Criteria as conceptFUJITSUWG agreed as R02
Issues for INFORMATION in the TP © 2013 oneM2M Partners 8 TS-0004: ItemDocument NumberShort nameSourceLate ? PRO PRO R01TS-0004_CR_appName_poaListInterDigitalWG agreed as R PRO PRO R02Design principles and requirementsIMTWG agreed as R PRO PRO R01Introduction of oneM2M proceduresIMTWG agreed as R PRO PRO R02CR_multiplicity_for_notification_data_typeLG ElectronicsWG agreed as R PRO PRO R01CR_Request_Response_FormatLG ElectronicsWG agreed as R PRO PRO R01XSD_purposeQualcommWG agreed as R PRO PRO R01Resource type short names table modificationsTelecom Italia, InterDigitalWG agreed as R PRO TR0004_CSEBase_and_AE_Change_RequestPeter Niblett, IBMWG agreed PRO XML_attributes_notationQualcommWG agreed PRO PRO R02editorial_corrections_generic proceduresQualcommWG agreed as R PRO CR for TS-0004 Editorial clean-upQUALCOMMWG Agreed PRO PRO R01TS0004 Annex F Change RequestIBM, InterDigital, Qualcomm WG agreed as R PRO R01Further Cleanup of mgmtObj related sectionsIBM WG agreed as R01
Issues for INFORMATION in the TP © 2013 oneM2M Partners 9 TS-0008: Contributions about Protocol TS-0009/WI-0012: CoAP binding – 90% ItemDocument NumberShort nameSourceLate ? PRO PRO R01TS-0008 Security AlignmentGemaltoWG agreed as R PRO PRO R01CoAP Option CleanupLG ElectronicsWG agreed as R PRO PRO R01PublicReviewComments_TS-0008_ITS- JPO SecretariatHandled in R PRO PRO R _Mapping_guidance_of_cachingHitachi(China)R&D Corp. WG agreed as R03; R01 & R02 Noted PRO PRO R _Request_Primitive_Mapping_Clea nup Hitachi(China)R&D Corp. WG agreed as R PRO PRO R026.3_Response_Code_Mapping_CleanupHitachi(China)R&D Corp. WG agreed as R PRO PRO R01CoAP Operation MappingLG ElectronicsWG agreed as R01
Issues for INFORMATION in the TP © 2013 oneM2M Partners 10 TS-0009 & TS-0010: Contributions about Protocol TS-0009/WI-0013: HTTP binding – 85% Contributions about Protocol TS-0010/WI-0014: MQTT binding – 70% ItemDocument NumberShort nameSourceLate ? PRO R01MQTT_Editorial_CRPeter Niblett, IBMWG Agreed as R01 ItemDocument NumberShort nameSourceLate ? PRO PRO R01HTTP Message RoutingFUJITSUWG agreed as R PRO PRO R01TS-0009 Security AlignmentGemaltoWG agreed as R PRO R01CR_Request-Target_and_HostLG ElectronicsWG Agreed as R PRO TS-0009_parameter_mapping_ruleLG ElectronicsWG agreed
Next Steps - Core Spec/TS 0004 © 2013 oneM2M Partners 11 Public Comments: First paragraphAre there instances where a "confirm" primitive would be useful? a Note will be drafted – Wolfgang – Done Fig Is the term "transport layer" the same as what is used in OSI, and that the network layer and everything below is contained in the "underlying network" box? If so, you may want to consider including a definition of Transport Layer in the definitions section. redraft as Transport Domain & Define – Nobu PRO – Done When two concurrent request primitives are applied to the same resource, how do you decide which one gets applied first? Even though the operations are idempotent, does the order of applying requests make a difference? Should be processed in the order they are Received, CMDH may be an Issue. In Relase 1 - Shingo: Arc Spec – Done Should there be a summary table of the Enumerated Data Types to precede the sections where the data types are fully described? we think this will be covered by TOC In Progress An example in this section would be helpful Each binding has a native status code sucessful response - SeungMyeong - clean up CR for response Status codes. In Progress Should this section say how the originator determines the receiver CSE or is this left to the implementer? routing may be an implementation issue being addressed In Progress Concerning the editor's note: is this an instance where a confirm primitive would be appropriate rather than sending an additional "response" to acknowledge the request? In Progress- Nobu PRO – Done After first sentence Please clarify: "this (what?) shall modify…". Should it say "this new resource shall modify"? Later in the sentence, is the phrase "this (what?) shall be set" referring to "this attribute shall be set" ? Should the last sentence say "WHEN A NEW RESOURCE IS CREATED, the following rules shall be applied: SeungMyeong – PRO – Done First sentenceSentence is confusing. Please clarify or delete Wolfgang will bring CR to delete redundant sentence PRO –Done O attributeShould the conditions referred to by "some conditions" be specified here? Shingo will Draft a CR on Intro for Section 7.3 – Done several sections Formatting keeps changing. Each section describes various steps to be taken. Some sections do it within a paragraph, or have one step per paragraph. Some sections number the steps, and some sections use bullets. purely editorial sub-clause & message flow charts may be added – Nobu PRO – Done First two sentences in section titled "Receiver" This is extremely confusing (e.g. "shall be the same as initial steps"). Please clarify these sections. LGE – SeungMyeong – Done Second Paragraph Grammatical issues-please clarify. There are many instances throughout this document where the sentences describing various steps are grammatically incorrect and therefore not precise enough for a technical specification. LGE - SeungMyeong & Secretariat –Done Hosting CSE This is one of many examples of sections that seem to be mixing steps with operations and definitions, or it is just not clear as to what should happen. Nobu CR on restructuring PRO – Done There are numerous spelling errors and incomplete sentences with grammatical errors throughout the document. This specification needs a careful proof reading and editing before the next release. In Progress - Nobu Editorial PRO – Done I am not convinced that every sentence that contains a "shall" statement is testable. Shall statements need to be tested for compliance and have to be measurable, observable, or demonstrable? Can a test procedure be created in a separate document for every shall statement? In Progress - Nobu Editorial PRO – Done Step #3 and 4 It is not clear what primitive the terms "the primitive" and "different primitives" are referring to. Are all of these Notify request primitives? If so, please state for clarity. LGE – SeungMyeong – Done
Next Steps - Core Spec/TS 0004 Issue regarding generating XSD files 1.Resolution of a number of XML design questions. We have already made decisions on most of these, but there might be a case for changing some of these decisions Extensibility & Versioning – allow versions to be detected in future releases 2.Systematic review of the text descriptions of the Resources in clause 7 and Annex D, focussing on the parts of them that affect the schemas Check that the attribute lists match TS-0001 Check that the types listed are appropriate (value space and m2m: type name) Look for consistency of the types used across different Resources 3.Updates to the Common Types and enumerations listed in clause 6.3 Ensure all the m2m: types referenced in clause 7 and Annex D are there Check the content models of the complex types, and the definitions of the simple types against TS Bring the common types / enumeration files into synch with the text in clause Review & fix up the Resource XSDs. This should be fairly mechanical once step 3 is complete Conformance to the Annex F (especially the copyright text and the namespace declarations) Conformance to the clause 7 and Annex D definition Conformance of cardinalities to TS-0001 Schema validity 6.Author the missing XSDs/correct existing XSDs – use of an open Repository for tracking/editing of a working version 7.Repeat the process for the parameter definitions © 2013 oneM2M Partners 12
Next Meetings / Calls Conference Calls Face to Face – PRO14.3 face-to-face Wednesday January 14 – Friday 16– 14:00 Boca Raton Florida, USA – TP.15 Miami, Florida, USA January 2015 – TP.16 Sophia-Antipolis March 2015 © 2013 oneM2M Partners Nov Tuesday 21:00-23:00 UTCPRO14.1 WG3/PRO 16-Dec Tuesday 21:00-23:00 UTCPRO14.2 WG3/PRO