Review Chapter 19 & Points Will Be on your Final Quarter Grades Study!!
1. Relationship between Railroad and Economy- RR built- Economy goes up
2. Consolidation- Combining separate companies in an industry
3. Inventor of Telephone- Alexander G. Bell
4.Consolidation of RR who benefits? Railroad Barons
5.Result of homestead strike- Steelworkers Union Dwindled after its failure
6.Who stopped the Pullman Strike- Attorney General Richard Olney
7.AFL group of national trade unions formed this
8.Mergers- Combining of Companies
9.Andrew Carnegie- Steel owner- Philanthropist
10.Jan E. Matzeliger- Invented Shoe making machine
11.Inventor of Lightbulb- Thomas Edison
12.Cyrus Field- Linked US & Europe with Transatlantic Telegraph line
13.George Pullman- Invented RR sleeping car
14.Thomas Edison- electric power plant lit up 85 buildings
15.George Westinghouse- Invented transformers
16.Haymarket Riot- Bloody Clash in Chicago
17.Child Labor Laws- Didn’t apply in Agriculture
18.Edwin L. Drake- Well led to creating of multimillion dollar oil industry
19.Henry Ford- assembly line pioneer
20.Quote Charles Sorenson- pg575- Describing Model T
21.Quote First words spoke on Telephone pg accidentally spoken words
22.Quote pg Haymarket Riot quote
Matching 1.George Eastman- Invented a small Camera
2.Cornelius Vanderbilt- Railroad Baron
3.Mary Harris Jones- Labor union Leader
4.Henry Ford- Built Model T
5.Alexander Graham Bell- Invented the Telephone
9.John D. Rockefeller- Formed the Standard Oil Company OH
Chapter 20 on Back- 1.Angel Island- Asian Immigrants
2. Morrill Act- Funds for land- grant colleges Funds for land-grant colleges
3Thomas Edison- invention- moving pictures
4Why emigrate? economic troubles
5Law limited Immigration year- Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
6spectator sports- Rooting for home team became a pastime
7tenements- apartment slums where immigrants lived
8Pacific ocean journey length- several weeks
9Early magazines still published today- Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s Magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal
10Polish immigrant quote- pg.591- tenement
11Bridge opened in NYC Brooklyn
12Edith Wharton- joys and sorrows of upper-class easterners
13Type of work done by W.Homer- Stormy Sea Scenes
14 Early movie theatres- Nickelodeons
15Jacob Riis- Wrote about Gangs of New York
Matching 1Suburbs- Site of middle-class housing
2Jane Addams- Hull House founder
3Settlement Houses- Provided Medical Care
4.Bryn Mawr College that admitted women
5Booker T. Washington- Tuskegee Institute founder
6Howard University Admitted African Americans
7.Morril Act Gave Land to colleges
8.Tenement Urban Apartment Slum
9Sweatshop- Clothing Factory
Short Answer- Assimilate becoming part of American Culture
Describe Journey of poor immigrant to America-(5) cramped noisy quarters- low decks(steerage) long 12 days or several weeks
How were new immigrants processed-(8) Medical exam, shortened names, home, family, occupation Statue of Liberty(2)- greeted east coast immigrants
In what cities are Angel and Ellis Island(2)- San Francisco & New York City