Honors Anatomy and Physiology Daily Lessons Quarter 2
Today’s Goals (10/20/14) 1. Attendance and WPR due 2. Pre-Dissection Questionnaire 3. Urinalysis Lab—Chemical Tests and Analysis Questions Homework: Complete Urinalysis Lab Analysis Questions Study for Quiz
Today’s Goals (10/21/14) 1. Attendance 2. Review Urinalysis Lab Analysis Questions 3. Quiz---Homeostasis, Feedback and Urinalysis Lab 4. Read Dissection Lab Exercise 1. Homework: Register Lab Workbook
Today’s Goals (10/22/14) 1. Attendance 2. Computer Lab—Overview of the Internal Organs Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1 Reviewsheet.
Today’s Goals (10/23/14) 1. Attendance 2. Computer Lab—Introduction to Cat/Pig Dissection Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1 Review Sheet and QTC.
Today’s Goals (10/24/14) 1. Attendance 2. Review Quiz---Homeostasis, Feedback and Urinalysis Lab 3. Assign Dissection Groups 4. Complete Dissection Evaluation Questionnaire Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1 Review Sheet and QTC. Read Introduction to Cat Dissection and Dissection Safety Handout
Today’s Goals (10/27/14) 1. Attendance and WPR 2. Dissection PPT Slides 3. Cat Dissection Video—External Anatomy and Worksheet 4. Dissection Lab Exercise 1 Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1 Review Sheet and QTC. Read Dissection Lab Exercises 2 and 3. Work on Review Sheets and QTC.
Today’s Goals (10/28/14) 1. Attendance 2. Complete Dissection Lab Exercise 1—External Anatomy 3. Lab Exercise 1 Checklist and Group Checklist Quiz 4. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1 Review Sheet and QTC. Read Dissection Lab Exercises 2, 3 and 4. Work on Review Sheets and QTC.
Today’s Goals (10/29/14) 1. Attendance 2. Complete Dissection Lab Exercise 1—External Anatomy Group Checklist Quiz 3. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities and Endocrine System Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1, 2, 3 and 4 Review Sheets and QTC. Read Dissection Lab Exercise 5 October Stamp Sheet due this Friday!
Today’s Goals (10/30/14) 1. Attendance 2. Complete Dissection Lab Exercise 1—External Anatomy Group Checklist Quiz 3. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities and Endocrine System (Sheep Brain) 4. Exit Slip Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1, 2, 3 and 4 Review Sheets and QTC. Read Dissection Lab Exercise 5 October Stamp Sheet due Tomorrow!
Today’s Goals (10/31/14) 1. Attendance 2. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities and Endocrine System (Sheep Brain) 3. October Stamp Sheet is due! Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1-5 Review Sheets and QTC Due Tuesday. Read Dissection Lab Exercise 5
Today’s Goals (11/3/14) 1. Attendance 2. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities and Endocrine System (Sheep Brain) 3. Lab Exercise 5 Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 1-5 Review Sheets and QTC Due Tomorrow.
Today’s Goals (11/4/14) 1. Attendance 2. Dissection Lab Exercise 1-5 Review Sheets and QTC Due. 3. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities and Endocrine System (Sheep Brain) Checklist Quiz 4. Cat Video—Cardiovascular System 5. Dissection Lab Exercise 5 Homework: Read dissection Lab Exercise 6 Study for Lab Exercise 4 Checklist Quiz
Today’s Goals (11/5/14) 1. Attendance 2. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities and Endocrine System (Sheep Brain) Checklist Quiz 3. Dissection Lab Exercise 5 4. Cadaver Field Trip Form Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6 Review Sheets and QTC Study for Lab Exercise 4 Checklist Quiz Cadaver Field Trip Form and Money ($10)
Today’s Goals (11/6/14) 1. Attendance 2. Collect Cadaver Field Trip Form and Money 3. Lab Exercise 4—Opening the Ventral Cavities and Endocrine System (Sheep Brain) Checklist Quiz 4. Dissection Lab Exercise 5 Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6 Review Sheets and QTC Study for Lab Exercise 5 Checklist Quiz
Today’s Goals (11/7/14) 1. Attendance 2. Dissection Lab Exercise 5, Cow Heart Dissection and Checklist Quiz 3. Dissection Lab 6 Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC Study for Lab Exercise 5 Checklist Quiz
Today’s Goals (11/12/14) 1. Attendance and WPR 2. Cat Video—Respiratory System (Questions 18-20) 3. Dissection Lab Exercise 5, Cow Heart Dissection and Checklist Quiz 4. Dissection Labs 6 and 7 Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC Study for Lab Exercise 5 Checklist Quiz
Today’s Goals (11/13/14) 1. Attendance 2. Dissection Lab Exercise 5 Checklist Quiz 3. Dissection Labs 6 and 7 Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC
Today’s Goals (11/14/14) 1. Attendance 2. Dissection Labs 6, 7 and 8. Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC
Today’s Goals (11/17/14) 1. Attendance and WPR 2. Cat Video Digestive System (Questions 10-17) 3. Dissection Labs 6, 7 and 8. 4. Remove and open the stomach! 5. Remove and measure the small and large intestine! Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC
Today’s Goals (11/18/14) 1. Attendance 2. Cat Video—Urogenital System (Questions 32-40). 3. Dissection Labs 8,9 and 10. 4. Remove and open the stomach! 5. Remove and measure the small and large intestine! 6. Observe villi in the small intestine! Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC
Today’s Goals (11/19/14) 1. Attendance 2. Dissection Labs 9,10 and 2. 3. Remove and open kidney (frontal section)! 4. Remove skin from one limb and identify the muscles! Forelimb—page 588 (activity 2.4) Hindlimb—page 590 (activity 2.5) Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC
Today’s Goals (11/20/14) 1. Attendance 2. Cat Video—Muscular System (Questions 1-9) 3. Complete Dissection Labs 9, 10, and 2. 4. Remove skin from one limb and identify the muscles! Forelimb—page 588 (activity 2.4) Hindlimb—page 590 (activity 2.5) 5. Supplemental Lab Activity—Must be typed! Homework: Dissection Lab Exercise 6-10 Review Sheets and QTC Supplemental Lab Activity—Due Tuesday November 25 th