Online Safety and You!
Introduction The good and the bad about the internet Protecting your Personal Information –Password protection Safety
What is good about the Internet?
What is bad about the Internet?
NetSmartz Meet Nettie and Webster who want to teach you a little more about what could be potentially bad about the internet. »NetSmartz Presentation sections 1-3
Personal Information Never give out your personal identifying information or your families or friends. Your name, address, telephone number, school name, and picture of yourself in any public areas or in unless you are sure you know the person. The internet is forever Everything that is posted online is tracked and stored. In public areas everyone can see what you post.
Password Protection Passwords are your first line of defense Use strong passwords and keep them confidential. –Programs are used to determine your password if it is not strong. Don’t give out your password, even to your best friend. –You are responsible for your account.
Creating a Password A strong password is a combination of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and, if possible, other characters. The longer the password, the harder it is to guess. Do everything you can to memorize your passwords, but if, for some reason, you absolutely must write down a password, always keep the note in a locked file and do not write down the corresponding ID.
Safety Tips Only open s from people and addresses you know. –If you don’t recognize the have your parent or teacher review the first. Never open attachments unless you know who it is from and are expecting the attachment. –If you don’t know ASK first Do not respond to messages that are rude or offensive. Do not forward s to “everyone” in your address book. Do not say anything online that you wouldn’t say offline. Talk to a trusted adult if anything makes you feel scared, uncomfortable or confused.
Online “Friends” Safety People pretend to know you by using the personal information you have posted. Be sure you only communicate with people you know in person. –This includes adding them to a “friends” list. You may not know the truth about someone you first meet online. Time does not equal trust or knowing the person. You can be lied to or betrayed.
What Is Unsafe?
Use Privacy Settings Use the privacy settings – such as “Friends Only” on any social networking site you are on. Only allow people you know in real life on your friends list.
The Internet Safety Rules I Keep Safe my personal information—all of it! I never give my real name, address, phone number, the name of my school, or a picture of myself to anyone online. I Keep Away from Internet strangers— no matter what they tell me, because I have no way of knowing who they really are. I don’t talk with them online, and I never meet them face-to-face. I Keep Telling my parents or a trusted adult about everything I see on the Internet. I always tell them when something makes me uncomfortable.
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