“The Great Depression” Mr. Farina
Losing Out FDR Alpha Bits What’s the Deal Odds & Ends
Return to Grid Losing Out 100 Why did many young men and boys leave home during the Depression Answer: “One less mouth to feed”, to look for work
Return to Grid Losing Out 200 Why was the “Bonus Army” upset? Answer: They wanted their WW1 Bonus checks early
Return to Grid Losing Out 300 How did farmers in the Southern Plains suffer worse than most? Answer: Their land dried up and blew away: “Dust Bowl”
Return to Grid Losing Out 400 How did Mexicans and Asians suffer in the Depression? Answer: They were resented and deported
Return to Grid Losing Out 500 Explain how farmers hurt themselves in the Great Depression? Answer: by growing too much and driving prices even lower
Return to Grid FDR 100 Which crisis did FDR first try to fix after being elected? Answer: The banking crisis
Return to Grid FDR 200 What is the term for the early part of FDR’s administration when the New Deal began? Answer: The Hundred Days
Return to Grid FDR 300 Answer: It calmed them by explaining in “regular” terms How did FDR’s “Fireside Chats” affect the mood in America?
Return to Grid FDR 400 How did FDR try to take too much power during the Great Depression? Answer: By “packing” the Supreme Ct. with Democrat judges
Return to Grid FDR 500 How did Eleanor Roosevelt improve the status of women? Answer: By being “high- profile” and showing that women could help
Return to Grid Alpha Bits 100 Which program employed skilled workers and artisans? Answer: The Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Return to Grid Alpha Bits 200 This program helped one rural area, but angered local power plants Answer: The TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
Return to Grid Alpha Bits 300 How did the FDIC help people avoid financial ruin? Answer: By insuring their savings deposits
Return to Grid Alpha Bits 400 How did the Federal Emergency Relief Administration provide “relief”? Answer: By giving $ to the needy
Return to Grid Alpha Bits 500 Why did the AAA kill animals and burn crops? Answer: They bought the animals and plants from farmers to keep the prices up
Return to Grid What's the Deal? 100 What were the 3 R’s of the New Deal? Answer: Relief, Recovery, and Reform
Return to Grid What's the Deal? 200 How did the Indian New Deal help improve Native Americans’ lives? Answer: By giving them more control over the reservations
Return to Grid What's the Deal? 300 Was the government Laissez- faire in the Great Depression? Why/why not? Answer: NO, the government was VERY involved in business and our lives
Return to Grid What's the Deal? 400 Why did some people criticize the Social Security Administration? Answer: It didn’t do enough, OR it did too much and people stopped trying
Return to Grid What's the Deal? 500 Answer: FDR created the programs, but the Constitution did not give him permission Why did the Supreme Court reject many New Deal programs?
Return to Grid Odds & Ends 100 Identify TWO causes of the Great Depression Answer: buying on margin, risky investments, overproduction
Return to Grid Odds & Ends 200 Define Deficit Spending? Answer: When the government spends more than it takes in
Return to Grid Odds & Ends 300 Why was Hoover criticized and voted out? Answer: He was too “hands off” and moved too slow to help Americans
Return to Grid Odds & Ends 400 Answer: CCC
Return to Grid Odds & Ends 500 How did workers gain more power as a result of the Great Depression? Answer: The “Wagner Act” made it legal to form unions, and they grew in power