Objective: Evaluate the instability caused by the Great Depression on IB students Bell Ringer 1)What is the origin, purpose, value, and limitation? 2)What strategies should one take if they want their voice heard in government? 3)To what extent does the right to safety override the right of speech?
Reminder: Downfall of Weimar Too many parties represented Original moderates lost support
Problems in Germany Political instability- – High point was President Paul Von Hidenberg elected in office 1925 – Brought stability till USA Stock Market crashes Cut social programs or raise taxes?
How does each express a problem? Chart 3 Chart 4 Chart 7 Chart 8
In response to the Depression Presidential dictatorship (article 48)- Hidenberg – “fundamental rights may be suspended with the help of armed forces KDP(far left) and NSDAP (far right) gained more supporters by 1930 Storm Troopers AKA BROWN SHIRTS Hitler takes second to Hidenberg
Issues: Religion No religious influence: KDP and Social democrat in schools/approve abortion Center Party- protect catholic values in school/ no abortion NSDAP- protect tradition
Economy/Benefits KpD- workers councils should run the state-more rights/benefits.-Lower taxes on poor, higher on wealthy Spd- more rights through workers through negotiation/8 hour work day Center Party-reduce taxes on business, cut social program NSDAP- break hold of Jewish Organizations. Unite Germany. More resources through military
Military Kpd- NO military spending SPD- slow down spending Center-build cruisers/navy, protect Rhineland NSDAP-Rebuild all military and expand east
Objective: Analyze the rise of Hitler Bell Ringer: 1) How much government control is too much control?
Rise of Hitler 1932 election- NSDAP wins 37% of vote (many moderates (Catholic center moved right)
Rise of Hitler (re-read text to further understanding) Hitler is appointed Chancellor- given power over domestic rule Reichstag building burned- blamed on communists- banned freedom of speech, press, and assembly KPD was outlawed! SPD Intimidated Enabling Act-Laws can be passed without president- Hitler dismantles government and sets a dictatorship after President Hindenburg dies- violates civil rights in exchange for stability
HW: Read one page (notes 5 question quiz) and complete voter analysis Analyze how the Nazi Party was able to come to power. Evaluate the effects of the Treaty of Versailles and Great Depression on Germany