Osamu Hashimoto Department of Physics Tohoku University APCTP Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics (SNP'99) February 19-22, 1999 Reaction spectroscopy of hypernuclei (1) Introduction (2) The hypernuclear spectroscopy (3) Mass dependence of binding energy (4) Light hypernuclear spectra 12 C, 16 O, 13 C, 9 Be, 7 Li, 10 B (5) Future prospect and summary Seoul National University
Osamu Hashimoto Department of Physics Tohoku University APCTP Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics (SNP'99) February 19-22, 1999 Reaction spectroscopy of hypernuclei (1) Introduction (2) The hypernuclear spectroscopy (3) Light hypernuclear spectra 12 C, 16 O, 13 C, 9 Be, 7 Li, 10 B (4) Future prospect and summary Seoul National University
n or p n p BB BpBp BnBn 208 Pb 207 Tl 207 Pb Weak decay nonmesonic mesonic Narrow widths < a few 100 keV Likar,Rosina,Povh Bando, Motoba, Yamamoto Excited states of hypernuclei
hypernuclear spectroscopy Narrow widths of nucleon-hole -particle states –less than a few 100 keV N interaction weaker than NN N spin-spin interaction weak isospin = 0 No exchange term A hyperon free from the Pauli exclusion principle Smaller perturbation to the core nuclear system hypernuclear structure vs. N interaction Precision spectroscopy required
S=-1 hyperon production reactions for hypernuclear spectroscopy Z = 0 Z = -1 comment neutron to proton to ( +,K + ) ( -,K 0 ) stretched, high spin in-flight (K -, - ) in-flight (K -, 0 ) substitutional at low momentum stopped (K -, - ) stopped (K -, 0 ) large yield, via atomic states virtual ( ,K) spin flip, unnatural parity (p,p’K 0 ) (p,p’K + ) virtual ( ,K) (p,K + ) (p,K 0 ) very large momentum transfer (e,e’K 0 ) (e,e’K + )
( +,K) Cross section vs. momentum transfer for some hypernuclear production reactions Stopped (K -, ) ( ,K) (p,K) Inflight(K -, ) Hypernuclear Cross section Momentum transfer (MeV/c) mb/sr nb/sr b/sr
The ( +,K + ) spectroscopy Large momentum transfer –angular momentum stretched states are favorably populated –neutron-hole -particle states are excited Higher pion beam intensity compensates lower cross sections –10 b/sr for ( +,K + ) vs 1 mb/sr for (K -, - ) Pion beams are cleaner than kaon beams 1 GeV/c pion beam is required For the spectroscopy a good resolution beam spectrometer and a good-resolution and large-solid angle spectrometer
The SKS spectrometer Good energy resolution MeV FWHM Large solid angle msr –about 60 % of 12 C ground state yield Short flight path m –40 % kaon survival rate Efficient kaon identification Optimized for the ( +,K + ) spectroscopy Large superconducting dipole at KEK 12 GeV PS The performance of the SKS spectrometer was demonstrated by the 12 C excitation spectrum Large momentum transfer Higher pion beam intensity compensates lower cross sections Pion beams are cleaner than kaon beams 1 GeV/c pion beam is required Characteristics
The ( +,K + ) experiments with the SKS spectrometer E140a (Hashimoto, Tohoku) –Systematic spectroscopy of hypernuclei E278 (Kishimoto, Osaka) –Nonmesonic weak decay of polarized 5 He E307 (Bhang, Seoul) –Lifetimes and weak decay widths of light and medium-heavy hypernuclei E336 (Hashimoto,Tohoku) –Spectroscopic investigation of light hypernuclei E369 (Nagae,KEK) –Spectroscopy of 89 Y E419 (Tamura,Tohoku) –Gamma ray spectroscopy of 7 Li Weak decay of 209 Bi Outa hypernuclei by the ( +,K + ) reaction Noumi
Absolute energy scale M HY -M A = -B + B n - M n +M M HY ~ p / - p K / K (1) M HY adjusted so that B ( 12 C) = 10.8 MeV (2) Energy loss corrected for + and K + in the target ±0.1 MeV + B ( 12 C) Binding energies of 7 Li, 9 Be ground states are consistent with the emulsion data well within ±0.5 MeV.
Heavy hypernuclei Three heavy targets with neutron closed shells Y 50 g 9/2 closed 2.2 MeV 1.7 MeV La 82 h 11/2 closed 2.3 MeV Pb 126 i 13/2 closed 2.2 MeV Background as low as 0.01 b/sr/MeV The binding energies are not strongly dependent on the assumption KEK PS E140a KEK PS E369 Hypernuclear mass dependence of -hyperon binding energies was derived with different assumptions
La & Pb Spectra
Background level in heavy spectra
Fitting by assuming ….
binding energies
Heavy hypernuclear spectra smoother than those of DWIA calculation Spreading of highest l neutron-hole states of the core nucleus Contribution of deeper neutron hole states of the core nucleus Other reaction processes not taken into account in the shell-model + DWIA calculation. Larger ls splitting ? E369 Nagae
Light hypernuclei Playground for investigating hypernuclear structure and LN interaction Recent progress in shell-model calculations and cluster-model calculations prompt us to relate the structure information and interaction, particularly spin-dependent part.
E336 Summary Pion beam : 3 x 10 6 /10 12 ppp at 1.05 GeV/c Spectrometer : SKS improved from E140a Better tracking capability with new drift chambers Targets : 7 Li1.5 g/cm 2 (99%,Metal) 440 G + 9 Be1.85 g/cm 2 (metal) 434 G + 13 C1.5 g/cm 2 (99% enriched,powder) 362 G + 16 O1.5 g/cm 2 (water) 593 G + 12 C1.8 g/cm 2 (graphite) 313 G + Absolute energy scale MeV at B ( 12 C ) = 10.8 MeV examined by 7 Li, 9 Be Momentum scale linearity MeV/c Energy resolution(FWHM)2.0 MeV for 12 C 1.5 MeV High quality spectra 2 MeV resolution and good statistics Absolute cross section and angular distribution
Pion beam : 3 x 10 6 /10 12 ppp at 1.05 GeV/c Yield rate : events/g/cm 2 /10 9 pions for 12 C gr ( ~ events/day ) E140a 10 B, 12 C, 28 Si, 89 Y, 139 La, 208 Pb 2 MeV resolution, heavy hypernuclei E336 7 Li, 9 Be, 12 C, 13 C, 16 O high statistics, angular distribution absolute cross section E C, 89 Y best resolution(1.5 MeV), high statistics Absolute energy scale MeV at B ( 12 C ) = 10.8 MeV examined by 7 Li, 9 Be Momentum scale linearity MeV/c Energy resolution(FWHM)2.0 MeV for 12 C 1.5 MeV Summary of hypernuclear spectra obtained with the SKS spectrometer
12 C The (1 3 - ) state at 6.9 MeV is located higher than the corresponding 12 C excited state. The nature of the state is under discussion – N spin-spin interaction – Mixing of other negative parity states The width of the p-orbital is peak broader –consistent with ls splitting E140a spectrum E336 spectrum times better statistics consistent with E140a spectrum Example of a good resolution spectroscopy Core-excited states clearly observed Phys. Rev. Lett. 53(‘94)1245 Peak # E140a E336(Preliminary) Ex(MeV) Ex(MeV) Cross section( )( b) #1(1 1 - ) 0 0 MeV 1.47 ± 0.05 #2(1 2 - ) 2.58 ± ± ± 0.03 #3(1 3 - ) 6.05 ± ± 0.03 #3’ 8.10 ± ± 0.03 #4(2 + ) ± ± ± 0.07 Angular distributions and absolute cross sections Intershell mixing --- positive parity state Motoba, Millener, Gal 6.89 ± 0.42 Statistical errors only
11 C vs 12 C /2 - 3/ /2 - 1/2 - 3/ / / C 12 C (1 - 2 ) (1 - 3 ) (2 + )? C x s 11 C x p MeV
Hypernuclear spin-orbit splitting Very small widely believed V SO = 2±1MeV –CERN data Comparison of 12 C, 16 O spectra E(p3/2-p1/2) < 0.3 MeV –BNL data Angular distribution of 13 C (K-, -) 13 C E (p3/2-p1/2) = MeV Larger splitting ? recent analysis – 16 O emulsion data analysis ( Dalitz, Davis, Motoba) E(p3/2-p1/2) ~ E(2+) - E(0+) = 1.56 ± 0.09 MeV –SKS( +,K + ) data new 89 Y spectrum (Nagae) > 2 times greater ? “Puzzle” Comparison of (K -, ) and ( +,K + ) spectra provides information the splitting High quality spectra required
16 O :p 1/2 -1 x s 1/ :p 3/2 -1 x s 1/ :p 1/2 -1 x p 3/ :p 1/2 -1 x p 1/2 In-flight (K -, - ) CERN populated Stopped (K -, - ) and populated ★ SKY at KEK-PS ★ Emulsion new analysis Dalitz et.al. K O → - + p + 15 N E(2 1 + ) - E(0 1 + ) = ± 0.09 MeV ? ( +,K + ) SKS 4 distinct peaks populated ls partner
13 C #1[ 12 C(0 +,0) x s 1/2 ]1/ #2 [ 12 C(2 +,0) x s 1/2 ]3/ ± 0.09 #3 [ 12 C(0 +,0) x p 3/2 ]3/ ± 0.24 ± 0.5* #4 [ 12 C(1 +,0) x s 1/2 ]1/ ± 0.20 ± 0.5* [ 12 C(1 +,1) x s 1/2 ]1/2 4 + #5 [ 12 C(2 +,0) x p 1/2 ]5/ ± 0.08 [ 12 C(2 +,1) x s 1/2 ]3/2 4 + ★ p 1/2 → s 1/2 observed by the (K -, - ) reaction E( p 1/2 ) = ±0.1±0.2 MeV M. May et.al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 78(1997) ★ p 3/2,1/2 → s 1/2 ray measurement Kishimoto 98 at BNL ★ The ( +,K + ) reaction excites the p 3/2 state [ 12 C(1 + ) x s 1/2 ]1/2 + near the 3/2 - peak [ 12 C(0 + ) x p 3/2 ]3/2 - [ 12 C(0 + ) x p 1/2 ]1/2 - ls partner *A systematical error considering possible contamination from the #4(1/2 2 +) peak is quoted. Peak # configuration E x (MeV) [ 12 C(J c ,T c ) x lj]J n E = E( p 1/2 ) - E( p 1/2 ) = 1.32 ± 0.26 ± 0.7 MeV
9 Be ★ microscopic three-cluster model Yamada et.al. 9 Be = + x + x = * * = 3N + N ★ supersymmetric statesGal et.al. genuine hypernuclear statesBando et.al. ( + ) x p 1 -,3 -,... Cluster excitation taken into account ★ microscopic variational method with all the rearrangement channels Kamimura, Hiyama A typical cluster hypernucleus The present spectrum compared with Yamada’s calculation BNL spectrum (1) The genuinely hypernuclear states,1 -, 3 - identified (2) Higher excitation region shows structure not consistent with the calculated spectrum
7 Li + d + 3 He + t + 5 He + p + n Cluster model approach Shell model approach Richter et.al. Bando et.al. Kamimura,Hiyama T=1 states around B = 0 MeV strength observed Ground : [ 6 Li(1 + ) x s 1/2 ] 1/2 + First excited : [ 6 Li(3 + ) x s 1/2 ] 5/2 + E2 transition 5/2 + →1/2 + : 2.03 MeV
What did we learn from MeV hypernuclear reaction spectroscopy ? Improvement of the resolution, even if it is small, has a great value –3 MeV → 2 MeV → 1.5 MeV Hypernuclear yield rate plays a crucial role –feasibility of experiments –expandability to coincidence experiments hypernuclear weak decay gamma ray spectroscopy
Future prospect From MeV to sub-MeV with high efficiency Wide variety of reactions –angular momentum transfer –spin-flip amplitude electromagnetic hyperon production (K, ) at 1.1 GeV/c –proton or neutron to hyperon photoproduction neutral meson detection New opportunities –(K -, 0 ) at BNL around 1 MeV Youn –(e,e’K + ) at Jlab 600 keV Hungerford –New ( +,K + ) a few 100 keV Noumi –Gamma-ray spectroscopy a few keV Tamura, Tanida 300 keV
Physics outline 12C spectrum reproduced, the core excited state at Ex=6.6 MeV was puzzling. 10B spectrum similarly favor strong spin singlet strength for the LN interaction 7Li and Be are typical L hypernuclei treated by cluster model. 7Li spectrum is consistent with the gamma ray data. It also show the strength for T=1 states. 9Be spectrum show the band of genuine L hypernuclear states. 8Be* core excited states are also observed with a distinct structure, whose position is not reproduced by the available cluster model. 13C spectrum shows clear shoulder structure at around Ex=10 MeV, which supposedly consists of 12C(0+)xp3/2 and 12C(1+)xs1/2, from which we may deduce the peak position for the p3/2 state. By combining the recent gamma ray data for p1/2, spin orbit splitting may be derived. Pik 16O spectrum can be compared with the CERN Kpi spectrum, from which we may conclude that the spin- orbit splitting is quite small.
spin-orbit splitting from the width of 12 C 2 + peak p peak assumed to be “equal strength doublet” & 2 MeV resolution –splitting : MeV consistent with the emulsion result(Dalitz) – MeV |2 1 + > ~ 11 C(3/2 - ) x | p 3/2> (97.8%) |2 2 + > ~ 11 C(3/2 - ) x | p 1/2> (99.0%)
Summary MeV hypernuclear reaction spectroscopy has matured to a level that allows quantitative investigation of their structure and N interaction through the structure information. The ( ,K + ) reaction has established its value for hypernuclear spectroscopy since it favorably excites hypernuclear bound states. Much better resolution and high detection efficiency are required for the hypernuclear spectroscopy in the future. Sub-MeV reaction spectroscopy together with gamma-ray spectroscopy will further explore frontiers of strangeness nuclear physics.