2010 Fujifilm’s real 3D W3 is the first consumer digital camera that can shoot 3D photographs (and video). Sony’s DSC-TX7 is a full-featured pocket point-and-shoot with intelligent panorama features.
1961 Kodak introduces ASA 25 Kodachrome II film, with improved color, greater light sensitivity, and finer grain than the original Kodachrome.
1861 In 1861, the world’s first ever colored photograph was ever taken.
1951 In 1951, the first video tape recorder (VTR ) captured lived images from television cameras converting the information into electrical impulses (digital ) and saving the information into magnetic tape. /a/Photography.htm
1897 In 1897 the first television camera was invented.
1867 The first machine patented in the United States that showed animated pictures or movies was a device
1990 Eastman Kodak develops the photo cd as a digital image storing device.
1978 In 1978, Konica introduces the first point –and-shoot, autofocus camera Konica C35 AF. It was named “ Jasupin.”
1960 EG and G produces a camera that can withstand extreme underwater depths for the U.S navy.
1814 A Frenchman called Joseph Nicephore Niepce obtained the first ever photographic image with his “Camera Obscura ’’. This image was taken by having the shutter left open for eight hours and faded shortly after.
1882 Etienne Marey in France develops a camera, shaped like a gun, that can take twelve pictures per second.
1922 Lee DeForrest demonstrates a method for recording sound on the edge of a film strip.
1851 The Collodion process is invented by Frederick Scott Archer. This requires only two or three seconds of sunlight exposure for the image to be captured.
1859 The panoramic camera is patented by Thomas Sutton.
The first 35mm still camera (also called “ candid ”camera ) developed by Oskar Barnack of German Leica camera. Later it became the standard for all film cameras.
1975 Steven Sasson as an engineer at Eastman Kodak invented and built the first electronic camera using a charge-coupled device image sensor in 1975.
1840 The first camera was invented in 1840 by a man named Alexander Wolcott.
1837 Daguerreotype, the first commercial photographic process used mirror –finished silver-coated plates, developed with mercury vapor. camera-history-the-evolution-of-the-camera.html
1975 In December 1975, the first digital camera was ever built by an engineer at Eastman Kodak named Steve Sasson, now regarded as the inventor of the digital camera.
1826 In 1826, the first permanent photograph was taken.